start date: ASAP; deadline for report end of April country: Zambia methodology: desk study (6 days) and a qualitative field survey (13 days) plus writing up etc. (11 days) contact person: Interested applicants should send financial and technical proposals including CV by 13th February 2015 to: Rebecca Stich, and copy to Dorah Chisambi, Objective of the consultancy: 1. To assess whether Conservation Agriculture (CA) has the potential to impact nutrition security at the household level and nutrition status of pregnant and lactating women and children under 2 years; 2. To identify and describe which pathways between agriculture and nutrition are influenced under the current promotion of CA and to develop a conceptual pathway model for CA and nutrition which outlines potential as well as actual pathways; 3. To identify opportunities and make recommendations to increase the nutrition sensitivity of CA interventions and share these widely amongst stakeholders within Zambia. 4. To make recommendations for future research related to CA and nutrition.
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