We’re looking to recruit a Ag-Nut STC to develop a simple and short nutritional training for women farmers in the North and North-East of Haiti. This training will be develop based on the findings of the nutritional-agricultural assessment done thanks to a past WB-FAO collaboration. Objective of Consultancy The objective of this consultancy is to develop a very short and hands-on training on food practices to increase the diet diversity, reduce micronutrient deficiencies and the consumption of high-nutrient value of local foods. This will be reach by practical advice on the diet composition (greens, protein, etc.) but it will also by the adoption of agricultural-post-harvest good practices that will contribute to a better quality of self-consumption for those households that don’t rely on markets for food. Activities: 1- Development of a food practice training. The training should be based on the findings from an FAO study conducted in 2014 (see annex 1). The report identifies nutritional opportunities present in the agricultural value chains operating in Haiti’s North and Northeast provinces. The training will also be complemented by the consultant experience in working in these areas and by already existing modules. The training should not exceed total of 2 days of trainings that should be broken up in several sessions (an example of the number and the type of sessions is provided in Annex 2) and should be pro-active/ hands-on type of methodology which will required small groups not exceeding 20 persons. The delivery of the training and the intended activities should be a mix of discussions support by images and/or diagrams and activities with the recipients. 2- Training of the trainers in Haiti. The consultant will be responsible to train the trainers of the selected firm to deliver the training. The training should be practical to allow the trainers to be delivered to the women farmers with a minimum amount of materials. The training should be ideally one full day. Deliverables: All deliverables will be sent to the WB for approval: 1. A trainers’ guide. Where the different activities to deliver will be described in a simple and practical way. The activities should be a mix of discussions and hands-on activities. 2. Training material for the training recipients. The materials for the activities should be minimal and almost exclusively pictures and/or diagrams (or real food) to allow an illiterate public to understand. Consultant Qualifications: The consultant will have the following qualifications: · 3-5 years of experience in the nutrition sector, or related sector, preferably with agriculture experience and working knowledge of the Haitian context. · Experience in developing trainings for rural farmers · Knowledge and understanding of the food and nutrition security situation in Haiti and the links between agriculture, food, nutrition and women’s role. · Excellent communication skills (including writing) skills in French and preferably Creole, English is a plus. · Experience in integration of nutrition into agriculture projects and investments. · Ability to work as part of a team, while at the same time being able to be autonomous and solve problems independently. · High levels of personal motivation, ability to multitask, be proactive, pragmatic and tolerant to stress. · Individuals located in Haiti will be preferred. Timeline This consultancy will require 20 days, including 5 days of traveling in Haiti for the training of trainers. The training material should be completed by March 10th 2015 and the training of the trainers before May 30th 2015 Contact: For further information, the full TOR, or to apply, please send cover letter and CV to Pierre-Olivier Colleye ( pcolleye@worldbank.org ) by February 2nd , 2015 and copy to Barbara Coello ( bcoello@worldbank.org ) and Priscila Leal Dos Santos ( pleal@worldbank.org ).
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