The Federation of African Nutrition Societies (FANUS) invites the nutrition community to submit abstracts for presentation at the 3rd FANUS conference to be held in 2015 in Arusha, Tanzania. The conference will bring together people from a wide array of sectors – including researchers, policy-makers, program implementers, and the private sector who share interest in alleviating malnutrition in Africa and globally . Main Focus: To take stock of whether Africa has achieved the MDGs, and to set goals for the next round of nutrition development in Africa. Conference Themes 1. Nutrition in Africa-changing patterns and causalities 2. Nutrition as a human right or as an investment case 3. Nutrition governance and accountability – who is responsible? 4. Breast-feeding and complementary feeding - Why is the obvious so difficult? 5. Maternal nutrition-the neglected factor! 6. Obesity and NCDs in Africa-Time to act! 7. Nutrition training and education-Are we providing the right skill-set? Abstract Format Abstracts must be submitted using CASN’S online abstract system. The following information must be included in the abstracts: presentation type (Oral or poster); the primary subtheme addressed; full title of the presentation; full list of author(s); underlined primary presenter(s) and contact information; and description (see below for description formats). When submitting your abstract description (300 words maximum) please use one of the following formats; · Research abstract: Background/Rationale; Methods/Methodology; Results; conclusion; and Acknowledgements · Program implementation abstracts: Background, Methodology, Results, conclusion and acknowledgements · Work-in-Progress or Proposal abstracts: Learning Objective(s); Background/Rationale; Methods/Methodology; and summary. · Project, Evaluations or Issues abstract: Learning Objective(s); Background/Rationale; description/Overview; Activities; and Evaluation/Outcomes. · Panel/Symposia abstract: Learning Objective(s); topic for Discussion; Background/Rationale; and applications. Note: There is a limit to the number of abstracts that can be accepted in each session, the Abstract Review Committee may recommend submissions for a session format other than that originally intended for by the authors. Abstract Deadline Abstracts must be submitted to the conference secretariat (E- mail: ) by December 15, 2014 using the online submission process to be considered for presentation at the conference. For more information If you have any questions, please contact the Secretariat and phone +255 754 826 889 or via TFNC website and FANUS website Deadline: December 15, 2014 Date and Place: 25-29 May 2015, Ngurdoto Hotel, Arusha city, Tanzania
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