Hello colleagues In the presence of a bSFP program with fortified foods, should a MNP program for PLW be paused? Thanks.
Hello - a few thoughts: I think that should depend on the target group for the BSFP, what food items are available from other sources. I would advise to put a spreadsheet together to look at what the max. intakes of different micronutrients would be if the BSFP ration was consumed in conjunction with the MNP by either children or PLW. It would also be important to consider what the general level of knowledge and understanding of the beneficiaries is and what you expect the compliance to be. Generally, its quite unusual for special nutritional products to be used in the way that a nutrition programme may wish (and assume) that they are. Needless to say, a quick acceptability study before a decision is taken on distribution should be done, and good M&E is really important with a product like MNP, as usage may be quite different to what is planned.
Andy Seal
Technical Expert


10 years ago
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