Apply online - 14-463: Consultant- IYCF International Medical Corps is a global, humanitarian, nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and relief and development programs. Established in 1984 by volunteer doctors and nurses, International Medical Corps is a private, voluntary, nonpolitical, nonsectarian organization. Its mission is to improve the quality of life through health interventions and related activities that build local capacity in underserved communities worldwide. By offering training and health care to local populations and medical assistance to people at highest risk, and with the flexibility to respond rapidly to emergency situations, International Medical Corps rehabilitates devastated health care systems and helps bring them back to self-reliance. PROGRAM BACKGROUND As Syria conflict continues, the death toll is nearly 200,000, over half of whom were civilians. Estimates indicate between 6.8 are 12.9 million Syrians in need of humanitarian assistance. An estimated 6.5 million Syrians are internally displaced, and nearly 2.2 million have fled to neighboring countries Turkey, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and Iraq. The current Syrian crisis has resulted in large displaced populations requiring basic food, shelter, hygiene, water and sanitation facilities, and medical and psychosocial support. IMC aims to address issues in multiple sectors, including nutrition. Recent data about infant and young child feeding indicators (IYCF) is not available but nutrition rapid assessment conducted in August 2013 revealed that many women in Syria are misinformed about the ability of mothers to breastfeed during the current crisis and the exclusive breastfeeding rate is decreasing. Lack of privacy and lack of time were cited as barriers to exclusive breastfeeding. This is exacerbated by the fact that some local and international NGOs are importing Breast Milk Substitute (BMS) and providing it in a way that is undermining breast feeding and increasing infants’ risk of diarrheal diseases, malnutrition and death. Infant and young child feeding practices were already poor in Syria prior to the current crisis, with the proportion of children under 6 months exclusively breastfed at only 42.6 percent and it is expected that this percentage has decreased. Currently IMC implements an IYCF program in IDP camps in northern Syria and will expand IYCF-E activities in four current IYCF-E centers. The primary objective of the IYCF program is to promote adequate infant and young child feeding practices, including exclusive breastfeeding and appropriate weaning practices of infant and young children, usually the most vulnerable in emergencies. The IYCF-E program has been implemented from October 2013 onwards and currently targets women with children under 3 years. Up to date, approximately 2400 women have attended the IYCF activities which include group sessions, awareness sessions, individual counseling and other activities such as cooking demonstrations and playing session. JOB SUMMARY A rapid internal evaluation highlighted that not all components of the IYCF program might contribute to an effective implementation of IYCF-E program and some components are recommended be revised in order to ensure maximum impact from the IYCF activities. Therefore the aim of this consultancy is to conduct an in-depth review of the current IYCF program and provide recommendations and execute these to strengthen the current IYCF program in close collaboration with the program team. ESSENTIAL RESPONSIBILITIES The IYCF-E consultant will be responsible for providing support to strengthen the IYCF-E program and training staff on the revisions of the IYCF-E program. To ensure sustainability, the IYCF-E consultant will build the capacity of the national officers and identify possible next steps in the IYCF program, setting and scaling up core IYCF interventions in the current and new IYCF-E centers. The IYCF-E consultant will also continue to build relationships with different sectors and actors so as to integrate IYCF-E programming in humanitarian response. Specific deliverables include: - Conduct comprehensive IYCF survey. - To undertake a critical assessment of the effectiveness, efficiency and impact of the current IYCF program detailing suggested changes and executing these proposed changes in collaboration with program team. - Support on setting and scaling up core IYCF interventions in the current and new IYCF-E centers to deliver quality IYCF interventions at scale. - Conduct a TOT for IYCF in emergencies. - Prepare tools to identify caretakers that require individual counseling - Review outline for group sessions and individual session and revise if necessary - Review outline, key messages and counseling cards for the group session and revise if necessary in close collaboration with the nutrition working group in line with the current international guidelines. Topics should include among others; early initiation of breastfeeding, exclusive breastfeeding, complementary feeding, relactation, myths about breastfeeding, safe preparation and storage of food, feeding during illness. - Review monthly comprehensive IYCF program schedule and revise according to recommendations and include targets - Review and revise IYCF M&E tools (attendance sheet, registration, weekly reporting form, etc) - Liaise with other program units of IMC on the potential to include nutrition sensitive topics in the IYCF modules such as psychosocial support, WASH, GBV, family planning, PHC - Train IYCF staff on the revised outline, key messages, counseling cards, M&E tools and program schedule, and train the IYCF officers to be as focal persons to be assigned post-training responsibility to ‘drive the process’. - Prepare final report including results, recommendations, next steps and all prepared tools as annexes. QUALIFICATIONS: - Advanced degree in Nutrition, Public Health, Nursing or related field. - At least five years of work experience at national or international levels in infant and young child feeding and nutrition. - Sound understanding of the international standards on IYCF-E (e.g. Operational Guidance on IYCF-E, Sphere 2011, the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, etc) - Experience in conducting IYCF-E surveys. - Experience in design and implementation of IYCF-E programs, including M&E - Experience in organizing and leading IYCF-E trainings - Ability to work independently with minimum supervision - Strong communication and training skills - Experience in the Middle East or similar contexts preferred - Arabic speakers prefered
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