The SMART (Standardised Monitoring and Assessment of Relief and Transitions) Methodology team at Action Against Hunger Canada is pleased to unveil a new and significantly improved website: Connecting everyone interested in SMART, the new website introduces important new features and technical information while retaining the essentials - all in a new easy to navigate website. SMART Technical Forum - Improved With the new website, we are also launching our improved forum to allow SMART experts, consultants and others to collaborate and engage with each other - sharing questions, knowledge and innovations and to learn more about updates to the Methodology. SMART Events Calendar - Improved The Events calendar allows you to easily find and apply to the many trainings being held around the world. This is also the place to learn about other SMART-related events. Job Board - New Looking to hire qualified SMART consultants? or looking for a consulting position? The new Job Board connects agencies and organizations with SMART candidates, free of cost. Jobs can be posted easily online allowing easy and quick connections to SMART experts everywhere in the world. SMART Survey Planning Tools - New Training material for enumerators and survey managers! There is now a full training curriculum provided to train Enumerators in SMART. The curriculum includes everything you need for this type of training: a training manual, notes, presentations and handouts. We have also updated our Survey Manager training materials, including the latest presentations and complementary tools and resources!
Thanks for the update Scott! -Derich
Frederich Christian Tan


9 years ago
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