Job Title: ACF Nutrition Security training kit revision and test Place of Work: Home based and ACF Paris HQ (for testing the training material). Reports to: ACF Nutrition Security senior advisor Duration November – December 2014 Background Action Against Hunger - ACF International’s mission is to save lives by eliminating hunger through the prevention, detection and treatment of undernutrition, especially during and after emergency situations of conflict, war and natural disaster. From crisis to sustainability, we tackle the underlying and basic causes of malnutrition and its effects. ACF has recently renewed its commitment to increase its impact on undernutrition, curatively and preventively, especially in young children, through: - Increasing the coverage of treatment of severely acute malnourished children - Addressing the underlying causes of undernutrition in order to reduce the risk and prevent the deterioration of nutritional situations - A better alignment of multisectoral responses on nutritional outcomes For the past 3 years, ACF International has engaged in a process to reinforce alignment and impact of its interventions on undernutrition and enhance its mutlisectoral approach under the concept of Nutrition Security. In 2011, ACF developed a manual to guide country teams maximising the nutritional impact of Food Security and Livelihoods interventions . A first training toolkit was designed and implemented in several countries to enhance capacity on the topic, bringing together country staff from different sectors of interventions. Although initially developed to support alignment between food security and nutrition activities, it then evolved to include all technical sectors and address issues of alignment with nutrition more multisectorally. In parallel, a Nutrition Security Policy has been formulated and approved by the organization to provide a common multisectoral understanding of the global issue of undernutrition and highlight how ACF commits to respond to it in a coherent, evidence based and holistic way. A full revision and upgrade of the existing Maximizing training kit is needed to better encompass a fully multisectoral approach, recent evolution of thinking, evidence and practice, new field experiences, and lessons learnt from the implementation of the training kit. Key responsibilities and tasks (1) To develop/revise the Nutrition Security Training Module (2 days) and material, including but not limited to: • Learning objectives, target audience, standard agenda and practical organizational details • Detailed trainer’s notes and sessions outlines • Power Point presentations • Practical exercises, case studies and activities • Updated list of supporting documents including training needs assessment, pre and post-test, training evaluation, handouts, additional reading materials etc. (2) To test the module in real conditions and lead the facilitation of a training session and revise/finalize the training material based on lessons learnt and feedback from the audience Expected outputs/deliverables • A Nutrition Security complete and ready to use training kit (by November 25th) • A Nutrition Security training session facilitated (by December 17th) Other/highlights: • Training material should extensively include participative activities, practical exercises, and case studies • The training toolkit should include : - Session outlines including session objectives - Power Points presentations - Set of case studies and activity sheets - Detailed trainer notes and session guidance notes outlying the preparation and flow of the training, list of materials, equipments and documentation required, clear explanations and instructions of the use of each module (presentations, participatory exercises and variation of training exercises,…) - Supporting documents including handouts, additional reading materials, background reading for the trainer, templates for the practical organization of the training, etc. • The consultancy will consist of a maximum of 15 days work and is to be concluded by December 17th 2014. • The consultant will work under the direct supervision of ACF-F Nutrition Security advisor, in close collaboration with the ACF International Aligning Working Group and ACF Training Units. Qualifications or specialized knowledge/experience required: • Advanced university degree in Public Health, Nutrition, Social Sciences, or other related field. A BSc/ MSc or equivalent is required. • At least 5 years of progressive responsibility with NGOs or UN agencies in programme formulation, planning, management, and evaluation, some of which should be in emergency programme management. • Experience in nutrition programming and in one of ACF other technical sectors (Food Security and livelihoods, WaSH, Care practices) in humanitarian context • Experience with the implementation and development of trainings • Excellent capacity to write and formulate training modules • Understanding of adult learning principals and ability to incorporate this into training module development. • Fluency in English, written and oral. French proficiency appreciated. Application Process: Interested candidates should submit their letter of interest with a short description of methodology to undertake this assignment, proposed budget, number of working days and duration to Julien Morel, Nutrition Security Senior Advisor, by 31 October 2014.
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