Nutrition Causal Analysis (NCA) Madhya Pradesh, India Terms of Reference 1. Background The State of Madhya Pradesh in Central India has a population of 72.5 million, of which 15% or more than 10 million are under the age of 6 years . Predomintlly tribal prpulation spread in 51 District. A study commissioned by Department of Women & Child Development of the Government of Madhya Pradesh (GoMP) and conducted by the National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) in 2010 showed a 8.3% prevalence of severe acute malnutrition (SAM) and 17.5% moderate acute malnutrition (MAM), with 51.9% of children surveyed underweight and almost 48.9% stunted . In September 2013, WHH conducted an ECHO funded baseline survey to collect data on GAM prevalence; which reflects GAM prevalence was 23.6% in Pawai Block and in Jhirniya Block prevelence is 31.1% . WHH and Its Partner NGOs are intended to conduct a Nutrition Causal Analysis in two Blocks of Madhya Pradesh. It is anticipated that the information obtained from the NCA will be used in the development of context specific and sensitive interventions based on the modifiable indicators for Jansahas and other stakeholders in the area to address under-nutrition. The core objective of a Nutrition Causal Analysis (NCA) study is to understand the risk factors of under-nutrition and their interplay with nutrition outcomes for a given study population. NCA provides a more holistic view on the dynamics of wasting. It looks at the severity of under nutrition based on various issues such as time and seasonality and provides a ranking of the causes of malnutrition. 2. General Objective The main objective of the consultant will be to complete an NCA study in Madhya Pradesh India with the WHH/Jansahas project team and communicate the findings. 3. Specific Objectives The consultant’s specific objectives will be: • To lead and implement the ACF-developed methodology for a Nutrition Causal Analysis (NCA) in Madhya Pradesh, India with the local study group of Partner NGO Jansahas • To train and capacitate the Project team on NCA Methodology • To facilitate the entire NCA process (including data collection, analysis and interpretation) with the Project team • To write the NCA preliminary and final report and present findings to stakeholders with the WHH India and Jansahas team • To share final study findings at relevant forums in the province of Madhya Pradesh. • To coordinate across the various stakeholders in the relevant sectors in Madhya Pradesh India Specific Survey Objectives will include the following: • To identify main causes of wasting and stunting in order to inform the technical strategy and programs (Core indicators) for the prevention of the same at a local level • To understand the local seasonal and historical pathways to wasting and stunting • To support technical advocacy on causes of wasting and stunting so as to plan technical strategy based on modifiable risk factors 4. Methodology The consultant will be expected to work closely with the WHH technical team, and the Jansahas NGO in the development and implementation of the Nutrition Causal Analysis in Madhya Pradesh. An update on progress shall be provided to the WHH National Management on weekly basis by the lead consultant. This will be in close liaison with the project Team. The consultant with the project team and study group will use a primarily qualitative approach based on standard ACF guidelines for Nutrition Causal Analysis, to assess the probable causes of malnutrition as well as causal ‘pathways of malnourishment’ by which certain children in this population become wasted and stunted. Secondary data review, key informant interviews, focus group discussions and an interactive analytical process based on consultations with key stakeholders will form the backbone of the NCA process. The Nutrition Causal Analysis study in Madhya Pradesh shall be carried out in the following phases: (Subject to change as agreed by the NCA Consultant and WHH/Jansahas Project Team) a) To conduct initial preparatory work for a Nutrition Causal Analysis (NCA) b) To facilitate data collection and field research c) To facilitate data analysis and interpretation, write the NCA preliminary and final report and communicate results 5. Timeline: The suggested timeline for the assignment is three months 6. . Expected Outputs Database: Data bases combatable to use in popular analytical tools like SPSS or STATA. Consultant is accepted to develop database for Anthropometric survey (Both Location) Risk factor Survey (Both Locations) and compilation of both so that advance analyses can be done Report: A comprehensive report in English detailing the study background, objectives, methodology, results, conclusions/recommendations and key annexes will be drafted. The report structure will be developed and agreed prior to drafting the contents. Documentation of the study process should form part of this. Presentation: A presentation of the key findings and recommendations to WHH, Jansahas and a larger group of stakeholders will be carried out by the study consultant and the group. 7. Consultant profile • Master’s degree in anthropology, nutrition or social sciences; • Broad knowledge and experience of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive principles and programming • Mastering fundamentals concepts of Public health Nutrition, the prevention and detection of acute malnutrition • Mastering Nutrition Causal conceptual framework • Previous experience and demonstrated skills in applied research in particular qualitative research, writing and analytical skills • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills • Complementary skills in Anthropology and Community based approach • Knowledge of NCA methodology developed by ACF • Mastering SMART methodology for nutrition surveys • Mastering data management and data analysis software - ENA, EPI ENA EPIDATA or SPSS, STATA Interested consultant are requested to submit the Technical and Financial proposal 8. Technical Proposal : This should cover the followings • CV of the consultant • Prior Experience of conducting NCA( Evidence based) 9. Financial Proposal : Financial Proposal should cover the details of a. Professional fee (Lump sum) 10 Publication and use of Data: All rights to use the collected data and share the data findings will be with WHH/Jansahas 11 Closing Date and submission of Proposal: interested candidates can send their Tecnical and financial bid on or before 10th September 2014 at
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