Dear all, This question has been posted in the management of MAM forum area by Mija Ververs who is leading a consultative process to agree on the best approach to provide nutritional support to adults and children with ebola virus disease in the current West Africa outbreak. Your thoughts, comments and experiences on the working document are very welcome. The full question and discussion can be found [url=]here[/url] The working document can be found [url=]here[/url] Best wishes, Tamsin
Dear all, This working document has now been updated [url=]here[/url] following intensive consultation with various implementing organisations, academics and UN agencies. It remains a living document and your feedback is still welcome. If you feel the document needs changes, please submit concrete suggestions for the text marking why and how you would see it being adjusted. The deadline for changes (or comments) is Tuesday 30 September 16.00 Geneva time. Feel free to send suggestions for changes directly to Mija ( or through the forum.
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


9 years ago
For any comments/responses through the forum, please go to the discussion in the Prevention and treatment of moderate acute malnutrition and post your response there: [url][/url] Thank you.
Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


9 years ago
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