The overall objective of the project, of which this contract will be a part, is to improve the nutritional status of the population of Yemen.This project is part of a wider approach pursued by the EU Delegation to enhance the resilience of national systems and local communities. Through support to the Ministry's governance sectors and its sub-national levels, the project aims to reinforce good governance at all institutional levels. The project will use capacity development tools in order to improve institutional competences in nutrition-related actions at systemic level The purposes of this contract are as follows: - To support adequate stewardship of the different governance layers of the MoPHP in the area of nutrition and health education (HE); - To stengthen technical capacities of a critical mass of public health staff; - To nurture the creation of an enabling environment for nutrition programmes and nutrition investments through supporting legislation, information, education and communication, linkages with private sector and active participation in inter-ministerial activities; Qualifications: Key expert 2 will be a junior expert in support of the routine work of the Nutrition department. It is estimated that this task will require full time employment for 36 months, equal to 660 fee-days. Qualifications and skills: - Nutrition degree or nutrition post graduate qualification or public health/nursing qualification (with significant nutrition experience). - Knowledge of (at least) spoken Arabic is considered a clear advantage. - Ability to work under stress and diplomatic skills. General professional experience: - Minimum of seven years of working experience in the health or nutrition sector. - Excellent written and oral English language skills. - Preferably, a combination of experiences covering different aspects (e.g. NGO implemented projects in nutrition, experience of designing, implementing and analyzing nutrition surveys, experience in the supervision, training and mentoring of nutrition and health staff, involvement in Nutrition policy development...). Specific professional experience: - Minimum of five years' experience working in countries with a high malnutrition burden. - Preferably prior working experience in Yemen or similar environment will be valued. - Nutrition degree or nutrition post graduate qualification or public health/nursing qualification (with significant nutrition experience). - Possibly, knowledge of (at least) spoken Arabic. - Ability to work under stress and diplomatic skills. If you want to apply to this position, please send your updated CV to
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