10 years agoAnswered:
10 years agoHello everyone, I am looking for visual support on the measurement of the MUAC in the context of COVID-19. Thank you in advance. Adama
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10 years agoGood evening,
I am currently developing tools for the training of trainers on the Family MUAC strategy.
I would like to inquire whether there are already toolkits concerning this strategy and tools already designed for monitoring (screening and referral) at the community level.
Thank you in advance.
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10 years agoI would like to know the new WHO and Unicef classification standards on the severity of malnutrition. Is it now recommmended to use these to make decisions?
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9 years agoDear colleagues. I am happy to announce that Global Health Media project has finalised their animated video about the story of Ebola. For those who do not know them, Global Health Media is a small NGO dedicated to create videos for educational and awareness purposes. They have a collection of new-born care, childbirth, breastfeeding, cholera (and now Ebola) which have multiple uses and I am certainly looking forward for GOAL to use them in some of our contexts. They can be used to train Health workers (like in Syria or South Sudan where access to training in many areas is impossible due to the ongoing conflict), but also used by health workers and volunteers/counsellors to support beneficiaries using the smaller smartphone ready versions of the videos. With funding, they would translate them to any language required. Anyway, cutting it short, take a look and I hope you will find them useful and may share the links with other colleagues outside of this forum. If interested, they are always happy to be contacted directly, you can find the details in their website. Why and how to use it: The video: Regards
9 years agoDear en-net,
Please see the latest guidance from WHO regarding Clinical Care for Survivors of Ebola Virus Disease.
Note that 'survivors' in this instance is defined as a confirmed case of EVD that subsequently recovered.
On page 22, recommendations regarding breastfeeding are made.
8 years agoDear all,
Some of our colleagues are responding to Ebola in DRC and they find that messaging around IYCF challenging.
We are using the WHO guidance as a reference but i am wondering if there are more recent recommendations, job aids, IEC material that we could use.
We are thinking of developing 1 pager job aids for specific situations like key messages for breastfeeding infant under 6 months during ebola, complementary feeding during ebola etc.
Does anyone have job aids, tools or more up-to-date guidance?
Thank you
6 years ago
Please find an interesting social mobilization guide from WHO, CDC and the Ebola Communication center, with key messages:
6 years ago