We are looking for: A DEPUTY NUTRITION CLUSTER COORDINATOR Country: Afghanistan, based in Kabul Length of Contract: 12 months, starting the 1st of September 2014 Context: The Afghanistan nutrition cluster was created in 2008 after the country adopted the cluster system following recommendations by the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT). This was a follow up to the elevation of malnutrition prevalence due to increased food prices. The cluster system was established in order to strengthen humanitarian coordination and have a predictable and accountable response as part of the humanitarian reform. Responsibilities: The Deputy Nutrition Cluster Coordinator will be responsible for assisting the Nutrition Cluster coordinator (NCC) in leading the cluster in Afghanistan with particular focus on field level coordination strengthening as well as enhancing the work of the thematic working groups. The Deputy Nutrition Cluster Coordinator’s major tasks and responsibilities will include but not be limited to: Identification of key partners at subnational level • Establish and maintain of appropriate humanitarian coordination mechanisms at sub national level • Support sub national cluster Planning and strategy development • Support the application of standards by the cluster • Support the monitoring and reporting mechanism • Ensure the advocacy and resource mobilization • Ensure training and capacity building of partners • Support Thematic Working Groups Qualification and previous experience: Nutritionist, medical doctor or nurse with experience in relief and development field is compulsory. Minimum 5 years field experience in years in humanitarian sector, management of nutrition projects, and management of nutrition and health assessments. Technical expertise in CMAM and/or SMART is required. Experience in working and /coordinating mid-term/development oriented type of programmes. Experience in technical advocacy/collaboration with governmental departments, clusters, NGOs, humanitarian platforms, ministries is compulsory. First experience in advocacy at national level will be an asset. Ability to have a broad vision integrating different aspects (logistics, context, culture and traditions, etc.). Strong communication skills, leadership, team player, patient and diplomatic. Autonomy, good organization skills, multi-tasking, priority management and planning. Fully fluent in English. Ability to work in a highly sensitive environment and ready to travel in all provinces of Afghanistan. Status: Employee - Total average yearly gross income : from 44910€ to 51410€ - Fixed-term contract, provided by ACF according to the French legislation. - All expenses paid on the field: o Support to the R & R costs : 110€/month average o Transportation costs to and from the mission : 460€/ month average, o Collective or individual accommodation depending on position : 700€/month average o Food and hygiene expenses (living allowance) : 254€ /month directly paid on the field o Per Diem : 161 €/month directly paid on the field - Gross monthly salary ranging from €1805 to €2305 (13rd month included), depending on relevant experience - Social benefits: Medical, life and accident insurance provided by the institution - 25 days of annual paid leaves - 20 days of extra leaves per year (taken as recovery time breaks of one week every 2 or 4 months depending on the mission) - Pre departure training, at the HQ in Paris Motivating Job Prospects in the medium and long term To apply, please visit : [url]http://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/en/content/deputy-nutrition-cluster-coordinator[/url]
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