Terms of Reference: Nutrition Advisor/World Food Prorgamme/Kinshasa, DRC Background Despite large investment and government renewed committed to combat malnutrition, the nutrition indicators in DRC remains alarming. In terms of acute malnutrition, the most recent statistically valid data for the country (MICS 2010) shows a national prevalence of 10.7% global acute malnutrition (GAM) with 5.2% severe acute malnutrition (SAM), classified as a “serious” situation according to WHO thresholds. There is a large disparity in GAM prevalence at the province level, varying from 6.5% to 14.9%, bordering on “critical” according to WHO thresholds. Six out of the eleven provinces have a prevalence of acute malnutrition surpassing the “serious” threshold: Bas-Congo (10.6%), Bandundu (14.4%), Equateur (13.4%), Province Orientale (12.6%), Kasai Oriental (12.9%), and Kasai Occidental (14.9%). The Under-Five Mortality Rate (U5MR) in 2010 was estimated at 158 per thousand live births and the Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) at 97 per thousand live births. U5MR is much higher in rural areas (174 vs. 111) and among boys (175 vs. 141). In areas where GAM is at critical levels, the Infant Mortality Rate is equally approaching or surpassing the emergency threshold of 2/10’000/day. The 2010 MICS survey also shows a national level of chronic malnutrition among children 6-59 months of age at 43.4%, considered “critical” according to the WHO thresholds. As expected, the prevalence of chronic malnutrition increases with age with the majority of cases of measured by the age of two years. This underscores the need to focus interventions to prevent chronic malnutrition. HIV/AIDS remains a public health problem with a prevalence of 1.1% per cent in 2012-2013 amongst the population but with large variations among Provinces and within specific groups. HIV rate is higher among pregnant women (3,5%) and highest in the rural areas; 60% of the people infected are women. The highest rates are found in territories of Kasai and Katanga Provinces. And only 11 per cent of people needing treatment receive it. The limiting factors are the availability of treatment and food resources to ensure the required nutritional support. The same constraints apply to the zero death global strategy whereby 80 per cent of people qualifying for a nutritional treatment should have access to it by 2015. WFP and nutrition in DRC. Since July 2013 WFP DRC has started a new Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) which has the following objectives: • provide life-saving food assistance for internally displaced people and refugees in crisis-affected areas; • reduce the prevalence of acute malnutrition through nutrition support for children aged 6–59 months and to pregnant and lactating women; • facilitate access to markets and education, and provide nutrition services for returnees, refugees and food-insecure communities to support early recovery ; • increase the resilience of severely food-insecure communities against further shocks; and •enhance national capacities to design and manage food and nutrition programmes and disaster preparedness . Nutrition activities focus on: i) treatment of moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) through targeted supplementary feeding for malnourished children aged 6–59 months and pregnant and lactating women; ii) prevention of acute malnutrition through blanket supplementary feeding for children aged 6–23 months and pregnant and lactating women; and iii) support for caregivers of children receiving therapeutic feeding for severe acute malnutrition. Blanket feeding for the prevention of chronic malnutrition (not yet started) will be piloted in priority areas to prevent stunting and micronutrient deficiencies among pregnant and lactating women and children aged 6–23 months. People receiving anti-retroviral therapy (ART) and tuberculosis (TB) patients whose nutrition status has deteriorated will receive supplementary feeding until they reach anthropometric targets. After discharge, such beneficiaries can be assisted through FFA for three to six months to enhance their resilience. WFP-supported nutrition activities are implemented in 5 Provinces of the DRC, with a major focus on the Eastern part of the Country which is most affected by conflict. The CO has a decentralized structure with 2 Area Offices (Goma, Lubumbashi) , 4sub-offices (Mbandaka, Bunia, Bukavu, Kalemie), 1 field office (Kabalo) and 2 antennas (in Equateur Province). The CO centralizes the pipeline over 4 different corridors (Matadi, Dar-es-Salaam, Beira, and Mombasa). Lead times for delivery can vary from 1 to several months. Logistics challenges and the vastness of the country make operations particularly complex. Currently nutrition strategy and planning is under the responsibility of the programme unit, headed by a senior officer and counts with two national staff (1 national officer and 1 senior programme assistant). At the field level, 8 staff in various offices holds degrees in nutrition and act as focal points for nutrition and HIV activities. In the revised plan, as of April 2014, the Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (July 2013 – Dec 2015) is planned to be implemented in 5 Provinces of the DRC, with a major focus on the Eastern part of the Country which is most affected by conflict. WFP has recently embarked in a prioritization exercise whereby the geographical scope of program is being reviewed in order to maximize impact of resources and increase alignment and complementarity with other actors. This process includes nutrition interventions too. Government of DRC and Nutrition These interventions are fully in line with WFP’s the Governments’: •Plan National de Développement Sanitaire (2011-2015) – including a section on nutrition among non-transmittable diseases •The newly revised National Nutrition Policy – including a focus on preventing and treating malnutrition, fortification, and activities aimed at reducing micronutrient deficiencies as well as a multi-sectoral strategy. •The new Plan Stratégique National Contre le VIH-SIDA 2014-2017 which has 4 main strategic components: i) prevention; ii) improved access to care and treatment; iii) development of a favorable environment and iv) support to implementation. Over the past several months, nutrition initiatives have gained significant momentum in DRC. Lately, the SUN movement has been a key catalyst in accelerating this momentum. Since the country’s adherence to the movement, several important building blocks have been put in place. The Government of DR Congo now recognizes nutrition as vital to socioeconomic development and a clear commitment exist that such a high prevalence of malnutrition is no longer acceptable. A high-level and multi-sectoral dialogue platform on nutrition has been established through a decree from the Prime Minister. This high-level group will be chaired by the Prime Minister himself. First Vice Chair is the Minister of Health and Second vice Chair is the Minister of Agriculture. The SUN Focal point and Secretary to the partnership platform has been identified from among the Prime Minister’s Senior Advisers. Most recently, the national nutrition policy, a harmonious multi-sectoral blend of nutrition specific actions and interventions in nutrition sensitive sectors such as agriculture, education, water and sanitation, health, and social protection was approved by the government on 18 September of this year. Finally, the Government of DR Congo is now looking to the SUN and to the in-country UN System, to provide short term support to develop a budgeted strategic plan and a common results framework. Against this backdrop, the need for technical support remains crucial and WFP CO in DRC is seeking to increase its capacity to deliver such assistance at central as well as centralised level in line with its mandate and corporate policy. Responsibility Under the overall supervision of the Head of Programme in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, the selected candidate will be responsible for the following duties: 1. Advise and support the DRC Country Office on implementation of the Strategic Plan, HIV & TB Policy (2010) and Nutrition Policy (2012), and specifically on Scaling Up Nutrition and/or HIV specific and sensitive programming through contributing to situation analyses, defining country level strategies, technical review of programme documents, and coordinated planning within WFP; 2. Promote coherence of nutrition approaches, in close coordination and collaboration with other UN agencies, notably UNICEF, and lead nutrition NGOs, within the framework of the Cluster System and the relevant Thematic Groups, as well as with other key stakeholders (eg PEPFAR); 3. Provide technical support to strengthen national nutrition governance, including technical review of national policy frameworks development of strategic partnerships, and development and delivery of advocacy strategies; 4. Provide technical and strategic support to update/develop the national standards, protocols and guidelines as required; 5. Help strengthen nutrition capacity among staff of WFP and its partners, including the government through initiating, planning and implementing capacity building activities; 6. Ensure alignment of WFP nutrition activities with national policies and programmes, the Humanitarian Action Plan (HAP) and UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF). 7. Ensure that programmes are compliant with WFP policies, criteria and procedures with regard to food and nutrition, including use of appropriate nutrition products, ration scales and that national and international standards, protocols and guidelines are respected and adhered to and implemented correctly; 8. Provide technical expertise with a specific focus on enhancing nutritional outcomes in the design, formulation, implementation and evaluation of activities. 9. Contribute to identify assessment, information, and knowledge needs, and where feasible coordinate, support, conduct and/or lead nutrition surveys, evaluation, needs assessment; 10. Support monitoring and evaluation of programmes, with a focus on sound data collection, analysis, interpretation and documentation for programme management, and participate in major evaluation exercises, programme reviews and annual sector review meetings with key stakeholders; 11. Contribute to the exchange of knowledge, information, experience in nutrition, HIV and AIDS programming and the development of an agency-wide application with evidence-based programme standards, guidance and tools; 12. Contribute to the elaboration of fundraising strategies, proposals, donor reports, and other documents such as the WFP annual Standard Project Reports and Project Briefs as required; 13. Represent WFP’s mandate, comparative advantage, and approaches at national and interagency technical meetings and advocate for nutrition and/or HIV specific interventions; Qualifications & Experience Required Education • University degree, preferably at the advanced level, in Nutrition, International Health & Nutrition, Public Health & Nutrition Policy and Management, Family Health & Nutrition, Food Security, Food Technology or other related fields. Experience • At least 5 years of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience (both in the field and Headquarters) in nutrition, public health management, development projects, emergency assistance, and/or operational aspects of national, bilateral or multilateral food security and nutrition assistance; • Experience in delivering technical assistance, especially in developing country settings; hands-on experience in designing and delivering nutrition programs in emergency or transition context highly desirable; • Experience in survey methodologies, nutrition assessment and relevant data analysis; • Food security and multisector programme knowledge and experience are desirable. Knowledge of UN humanitarian Coordination and Cluster system is a plus Technical Skills & Knowledge • Strong knowledge of nutrition and/or HIV/AIDS and recent developments in the field; • Knowledge of sound research methods and monitoring and evaluation standards; • Understanding of donor policies, strategies, and programme priorities; • Advanced computer skills with at least intermediate proficiency in windows based word processing, spreadsheet and nutrition/public health software (i.e. EPI Info); • General knowledge of UN system policies, rules, regulations and procedures governing administration is highly desirable; • In-depth knowledge of relevant field of specialization (nutrition, public health, development or other) is an asset; • Familiarity with quantitative and qualitative health/nutrition survey techniques is an added value. Competencies • WFP’s core competencies for professionals include action management, communication skills, teamwork and high standards of ethics and values. Language: • Proficiency (level C) in French and English Please send your application to: Patrizia.PAPINUTTI@wfp.org, copied to Marianne.Gueye@wfp.org

Location: DRC-based

Position Category: Local hire, paid in country

Posting Date: January 29, 2020

Deadline Date: Open until the position is filled

USAID Advancing Nutrition (USAID AN) is providing technical assistance to USAID in DRC to enhance provincial-level coordination and capacity strengthening across the continuum of care for acute malnutrition. Four provincial level workshops will be organized by USAID-AN to support efforts and investments by USAID-funded actors in DRC, including existing coordination mechanisms, to strengthen the continuum of care for acute malnutrition (prevention and treatment). These workshops will aim to facilitate participatory learning and the definition of locally-tailored action plans to strengthen the continuum of care in the four targeted provinces.

Consultancy Objectives

The consultant will lead the facilitation of four 3-day workshops scheduled to take place in Kasai Oriental, Kasai Central, South Kivu, Tanganyika provinces in the DRC. She / he will work closely with the activity team to:

Contribute to the workshop design and recommend revisions after each workshop.

Review and revise workshop materials, including slides and handouts, ensuring appropriate focus and correct French.

Lead the facilitation of four workshops and document the process and outcomes (in French), within 2 weeks following workshop delivery.

Workshops are planned in two phases:

Kasai Oriental and Kasai Central Provinces— scheduled for March 2020

South Kivu and Tanganyika Provinces —tentatively schedule for June 2020

The work is expected to require approximately 28 days between February 1 - July 15, 2020. To apply for this position, please email your CV to collin_anderson@jsi.com. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply ASAP. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, and will be accepted until the position is filled. Position posted on January 24, 2020.


Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


10 years ago
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