BACKGROUND The new WFP Corporate Strategic Plan, which reconfirms the shift made by WFP from food aid to food assistance, explicitly puts an increased emphasis on measuring results to ascertain and prove the impact of WFP interventions. The related new Strategic Results Framework brings quite dramatic change in the indicators for monitoring and evaluation, in particular for nutrition outcomes and impacts. These indicators require new methodologies for data collection and data analysis, the knowledge and skills for which need to be transferred to the country office staff. Since the endorsement of the Nutrition Policy in 2012, the need for strengthening the monitoring and evaluation of nutrition interventions under WFP programmes has been recognised. WFP has been good at monitoring its achievements in terms of commitments to food aid delivery to the target number of beneficiaries and to targeting the neediest beneficiaries. Specific tools like the Comprehensive Food Security Assessment Mapping (CFSAM), Coping Strategy Index (CSI), Food Consumption Score (FCS), Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) and Post Distribution Monitoring (PDM) have been developed to ensure the targeting of the most food insecure and vulnerable households, and their effectiveness in delivering the food to these households. WFP has found it more challenging to provide evidence showing the positive impact of its food assistance interventions on food security and nutritional status of its beneficiaries. It is more exigent to do consistent pre- and post intervention survey design and to set up necessary monitoring systems to follow trends in critical nutrition and HIV/TB indicators With the transition from food aid to food assistance it has become more important to demonstrate the impact of the interventions to show that these interventions, that do no longer always involve direct food deliveries, are achieving what they are designed to do. Under the new Nutrition Policy of 2012, the focus has come more and more on prevention of nutrition status deterioration, not only at prevention of famines but also on micronutrient deficiencies. And in many cases WFP nutrition interventions now target at improving nutritional status and prevention of stunting, particularly during the 1000 days windows at the start of life, from conception to 24 months. New approaches are being trialled, based on scientific evidence on nutritional efficacy, but these still need to be proven at large scale implementation and under various operational modalities. Therefore it is important for WFP to scientifically study their programme implementation, operations, impact and effectiveness, in order to build the necessary evidence. Such studies require careful design and implementation to ensure validity and data quality. WFP Regional Bureau (RB) Johannesburg therefore seeks to build the capacity of country office staff, put into place necessary M&E plans and systems to collect relevant data, conduct baseline and evaluation studies as well as operational research and document lessons learned. Current staff capacity in the regional bureau is insufficient in terms of numbers and specific expertise to provide this specialised technical support to country office, in addition to regular technical support work and other tasks. A consultant with the necessary specialised skill set will be contracted, to work with a set of needs-based selected Country Offices (CO) and the Regional bureau to ensure high quality implementation of monitoring data collection and analysis, baseline and evaluation surveys and study design and conduct and the required capacity strengthening activities. OBJECTIVES Ensure support to priority countries in design and conduct of baseline and endline surveys, strengthening their M&E systems for nutrition and HIV, and specific operational research and impact studies to support evidence building on WFP’s nutrition intervention approaches and methodology. Specific objectives: • Support COs on survey, research and study design, implementation, analysis and reporting to ensure high quality data and research for evaluation and evidence building on nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive programming in collaboration with academic institutions • Build capacity for M&E for nutrition and HIV baseline survey design within the new nutrition policy and corporate Strategic Result Framework • Support strengthening of M&E system design in priority COs to ensure robust sentinel site data collection on performance indicators , analysis for utilisation in strengthening of nutrition and HIV programming • Produce evidence documenting papers to be published in international reputable publications in collaboration with academic institutions APPROACH and ACTIVITIES During the first quarter of 2014 a regional M&E workshop will be organizedto build CO staff M&E capacity for the roll out of the corporate 2014-2017 Strategic Result Framework (SRF), including Nutrition and HIV Indicator. It is proposed the consultant participates in this workshop to be introduced to the relevant nutrition and HIV indicators and related corporate methodology guidance. In follow-up of this activity, the consultant will work in close coordination with the RB Nutrition and HIV unit and M&E section to support the capacity development of CO staff with the purpose of designing nutrition M&E approaches that fit within the overall M&E plan of the respective country office. During in-country missions to priority COs the consultant will assess their current Nutrition M&E practices and capacity and work with the relevant staff and government counterparts on improving their M&E data quality control and analysis systems for nutrition. Specific attention will be given to transferring knowledge and skills needed for the roll-out of the new nutrition indicators for the SRF, including baseline and coverage surveys. A minimum of five (TBC) country offices is foreseen to be supported by the consultant. Furthermore, the consultant will work with the RB staff in coordination with all countries to review the need and opportunities for other supporting studies, including operational research, for monitoring, evaluation and evidence building of the nutrition specific and sensitive programme interventions. Study designs will be developed and/or reviewed to ascertain methodological soundness, including data analysis planning. Where this is relevant and feasible, implementation of the studies will be supported. Specific Tasks Preparation o Familiarise with corporate Nutrition and HIV M&E methodology, guidelines and policies As per the individual country office and survey/study needs and requirements the following tasks for the design and conduct of surveys and studies can be part of the assignment. Specific TORs will be formulated and agreed upon for each country mission based on consultation and identified needs. M&E Capacity building and support o Review specific M&E documents (Results Section, Performance Monitoring Plan, and Evaluation Plan) for the programme in the priority countries o Review nutrition and HIV monitoring data, assess quality issues and possible solutions, work with relevant staff to improve analyses of available data, document such guidance for later use and follow-up o Provide training on survey design, sampling, methodology, analysis framework o Provide guidance for survey implementation, supervision and data analysis and findings reporting Baseline, end-line survey and study design o Support the COs to prepare an inception doc which includes an overview of the programme background, sampling strategy, intended outputs and outcomes, objectives, process and timeline of the survey/study, methodology, list of stakeholder groups and potential limitations, a draft schedule for the assignment periods. o Liaise with relevant academic institution for collaborations on research for evaluation and evidence building on nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive programming o Determine survey methodology and key research questions o Convene meetings with CO staff, NGO and government partners to discuss the overall survey plan, timeline and activities. o Support development of data collection instruments (questionnaires, etc.) o Support to developing and finalising the sampling frame and design o Support development of ToR for each survey/study to recruit a (local) contractor or survey company for data collection, data entry and cleaning, analysis and reporting, as deemed required o Support survey logistics preparation and planning, as applicable o Develop, support and/or review the database design for survey/study data management Data collection and Enumerator training o Prepare and/or review enumerator training curriculum and materials, including enumerator’s guides o Support COs to conduct and/or supervise multi-day training of enumerators o Support the conduct and/or supervision of a pre-test, including review of mistakes, with enumerators o Support the review and selection of the final team of enumerators with the COs and (local) contractorSupport the establishing and/or review data entry set-up o If necessary, support supervision of data collection, including spot-checking, daily review, quality assurance of measurements and interviews, and early data entry Data entry, analysis, and reporting o Supervise final data entry, data cleaning and production a working dataset o Conduct and/or guide survey data analyses and interpretation of survey data o Prepare and circulate a draft report o Support preparation of and contribute to providing PowerPoint presentations internally to WFP on the preliminary findings o Support to incorporation of feedback in final survey/study reports EXPECTED OUTCOMES • High quality surveys and study proposals, designs and, where study implementation completed, study databases and reports on study findings regarding impact and evidence of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive interventions, as relevant in collaboration with academic institutions • On the job training and mentoring provided to M&E and Nutrition and HIV staff on baseline and evaluation surveys design and implementation in priority countries • Improved Nutrition and HIV M&E performance data quality and analysis, using sentinel site data collection approaches in priority countries • International publications on evidence for food-based nutrition and HIV programming in collaboration with academic institutions TIMELINE Starting April 1st, 2014, for a period of 10 months LOCATION The consultant shall be based in the Regional Bureau, or could work remotely for Regional Bureau related technical support and documentation work. For the in-country support work with Country and Sub Offices the consultant will have to travel to the various target countries. SUPERVISION RECEIVED The consultant will work in close coordination and collaboration with the M&E unit and Nutrition and HIV M&E focal person, guided by the M&E Officer, though final supervision will rest with the Regional Senior Advisor for Nutrition and HIV. Specific TORs will be formulated and agreed upon for each country mission based on consultation and identified needs. DELIVERABLES • Mission reports for all CO supported, including documentation of any training provided, M&E data quality control, analyses, etc. and other relevant mission outputs. • High quality survey, study, and operational research proposals for implementation by COs, their contractors, or collaborating academic institutions • Guidelines on sentinel site approach to Nutrition and HIV M&E performance data collection, quality control and analysis developed, and applied in five priority countries • High quality reports of any operational, impact and evidence of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive intervention studies conducted and completed under supervision of the consultant and • International publications on evidence for food-based nutrition and HIV programming in collaboration with academic institutions MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Education: University degree in Epidemiology, preferably at the advanced level, or a university degree in one or more of the following disciplines: Nutrition, International Health & Nutrition, Public Health & Nutrition Policy and Management, Family Health & Nutrition, or other related field, with experience and advanced courses/training in Epidemiology or Statistics. Experience: At least ten years of postgraduate progressively responsible professional experience in epidemiology, monitoring and evaluation, nutrition, public health management, food security development projects, and/or emergency assistance; Of which minimum 5 year experience in quantitative and qualitative health/nutrition survey design and implementation and/or operational research; Proven experience in skills training and capacity building; Previous international working experience in an advisory role is highly desirable. Knowledge and skills: Knowledge of sound research methods and M&E standards Knowledge of nutrition assessment and relevant data analysis, including SMART nutrition surveys and SQUEAC surveys Knowledge and proficiency in Statistical Analysis Software (i.e. SPSS, SAS, STAT) Advanced computer skills with at least intermediate proficiency in windows based word processing, spreadsheet and nutrition/public health software (i.e. EPI Info, ENA, Anthro) Language: Proficiency in writing and verbal communication in English is requisite; Working knowledge in French and/or Portuguese is an added value. Desirable: Knowledge of Nutrition and recent developments in the field is highly desirable. Experience in planning and/or managing nutritional recuperation programmes (CMAM approach, TFC, OTP, SFP); Food security and multisector programme knowledge and experience; General knowledge of UN system policies, rules, regulations and procedures governing administration Please send one page application with your CV to
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