We are delighted to launch this new thematic area on management of acute malnutrition in infants less than 6 months of age. The latest [url=http://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/guidelines/updates_management_SAM_infantandchildren/en/]WHO guideline updates on the management of SAM in infants and children (2013)[/url] includes specific recommendations for this age-group and for the first time, makes recommendations regarding community based management for uncomplicated cases. However there remains a lack of evidence to inform and guide programming and this is a priority area of ongoing research. We hope that this en-net technical forum will contribute to the learning by providing a space for you as practitioners to exchange experiences to inform management of cases that you are seeing in your programmes today. We particularly need the guidance of those working in neonatal health and maternal health, so please share this forum with your colleagues in other sectors and encourage them to contribute. Our team of experienced technical moderators will be at the helm to help answer the most challenging questions: Jay Berkley, Mark Manary, Marko Kerac, Martha Mwangome and Sylvia Garry. We have compiled a list of relevant [url=http://www.ennonline.net/resources/1020]resources[/url] to support you in your work; all these resources are located in the ENN Resource Library. Please share with us any resources you recommend.

USAID Advancing Nutrition (USAID AN), a technical assistance contract providing support to USAID, is seeking a Stakeholder Engagement Consultant to provide technical assistance to enhance provincial-level coordination and capacity strengthening across the continuum of care for acute malnutrition.

This role will support efforts and investments by USAID-funded actors in DRC, including existing coordination mechanisms, to strengthen the continuum of care for acute malnutrition (prevention and treatment) by facilitating participatory learning and the definition of locally-tailored action plans to strengthen the continuum of care in Kasai-Central, and Kasai-Oriental.

Position Overview:

Location: DRC-base with preference for Mbuji-Mayi

Position Category: Local hire, paid in country

Posting Date: January 23, 2020

Deadline Date: Open until the position is filled

The consultant's responsibilities include:

  • Establishing and building relationships with relevant stakeholders, including USAID-funded implementing partners, donors and government, at provincial level and with selected health zones to support the effective use and transfer of information to, from and between stakeholders
  • Actively participate in existing coordination mechanisms to enhance coordination and learning across partners; avoiding duplication.
  •  Monitor and facilitate the follow through of action plans developed from Participatory Learning Workshops with relevant stakeholders

The work is expected to be full time (40 hours per week) between February 15 - September 30, 2020. To apply for this position, please email your CV to collin_anderson@jsi.com. Interested applicants are encouraged to apply ASAP. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis, and will be accepted until the position is filled. Position posted on January 23, 2020.





10 years ago
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