UNICEF Sudan Country Office wishes to extend the deadline for accepting offers for RFP for Institutional Service to provide Technical Support to Finalize States Level Expansion Plans for Treatment of Acute Malnutrition in Sudan, LRPS–ARS–2014-9110920 till 13 April 2014 by 12:00 hrs (GMT). This Deadline extension announcement for this RFP with updated clarifications and attached documents has been posted on the UNGM site in the Public Notice area at the following link: [url]https://www.ungm.org/Public/Notice/Index/26345[/url] Reference: LRPS–ARS–2014-9110920 Through this link you will find the following list of important documents & Annexes: Annex I. Technical Evaluation Criteria (A matrix that guides you on the area that you should considered & the Criteria that will be used to evaluate your submitted Technical Proposal) Annex II UNICEF Supplier Profile Form (Separate Word Document attached form to be filled and returned along with your bid Technical Proposal) Request for Proposal for Services Form - Page No. 3 (This form has to be filled and returned along with your bid Technical Proposal as well) Guidance to the Financial proposal - Page No. 4 Scope of Work/Term of reference - Pages No. 10, 11, 12 & 13. UNICEF general terms and condition - Pages No. 16, 17, 18 &19. Note for those who have already submitted their proposals : Please be informed that we have received them, but still closed and will be unopened until we meet the minimum required number of bidders, therefore in case if you wish to revise your proposals and resubmit them please make sure to meet the new deadline for the submission. Technical and Financial proposals should be addressed to the below secured email address: (sudansupplybids@unicef.org) Please follow the instructions as stipulated on the bid document, failure to do so will result in automatic invalidation of your bid. For additional information and/or any formal queries please contact Abdul Azim El Jack (aeosman@unicef.org) & Ahmed Reafee (arsjmoona@unicef.org).
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