Save the Children Myanmar is seeking a consultant to conduct a midterm evaluation of a nutrition capacity building project. Please see the Terms of Reference below: TERMS OF REFERENCE Midterm Evaluation Consultant LEARN Project (Leveraging Essential Nutrition Actions to Reduce Malnutrition) Yangon, Myanmar BACKGROUND The multi-donor Livelihoods and Food Security Trust Fund (LIFT) in Myanmar has funded a consortium of Save the Children, ACF and Helen Keller International, to implement the LEARN project . The goal of this three-year project (Dec.2012 – Dec.2015) is to build the capacity of LIFT implementing partners (IPs) in order to maximize the nutritional impact of their food security and livelihoods projects throughout the country. The specific objectives of the project are: • Increase capacity of LIFT IPs to deliver nutrition-sensitive activities in their target communities; • Integrate nutrition into current and forthcoming LIFT-funded food security and livelihood programmes; and, • Support IPs in collecting nutrition-related data and to contribute in building the evidence base in LIFT project areas. There are currently about 40 LIFT partners implementing projects ranging from agriculture, aquaculture, and microfinance to land and food security policy. The main activities of the LEARN project to date have included nutrition training and technical assistance to IP staff at Yangon and field levels, advocacy to the LIFT Fund Board and Fund Management Office to integrate nutrition into their strategy and future programme design, and development of a communication strategy and toolkit for use in partner projects. PURPOSE The purpose of the consultancy is to carry out a midterm evaluation of the project. Due to the nature of the project, the evaluation would be qualitative and designed to gather information from LEARN consortium members and relevant partners on the effectiveness and usefulness of the LEARN project to date. The results and accompanying recommendations would be used to make any necessary adjustments to improve the project for the second half of its implementation. Questions that should be addressed through the midterm evaluation include: • How has LEARN influenced the decision-making of the LIFT Fund Board and Fund Management Office regarding integrating nutrition into their strategies? • Have implementing partners included nutrition topics or targeting into their programming or programme activities as a result of LEARN’s presence / support? And if so: o How did they approach integrating nutrition? o Who did they target? o What methodologies were used? o To what degree was nutrition included in their programming? o How well are IPs equipped to integrate nutrition into their programming? What, if any, further support do they need? • How well are LEARN staff equipped to carry out their jobs? What, if any, further support do they need? • How have LIFT IPs target audiences benefitted from IPs’ integration of nutrition programming? What was the outcome/impact, and how was it measured? • For implementing partners who declined to participate in the LEARN program, what have been the main barriers? • How could LEARN program methods and activities (including its approach, training curriculum, field visits, meetings, etc.) be improved to increase uptake, coverage, and impact? Scope of work includes: 1. Desk Top Review & Preparation (approx. 4 days) 2. Travel Days (2-3 days) 3. In-Country Field work (10-12 days) 4. Report writing (3 days) Total Expected Days: 19-22 FINAL DELIVERABLE Midterm Evaluation Report, including methodology, findings and recommendations TIME REQUIRED The consultant would be expected to complete this work in July 2014. QUALIFICATIONS The consultant should have demonstrated experience conducting evaluations of development projects, preferably related to food security and nutrition. Interested Applicants should send a letter of interest, including a proposed methodology for the evaluation, CV and daily rate to: Human Resources Department| Save the Children| Wizaya Plaza-First Floor| 226 U Wisara Road| Bahan Township| Yangon| Myanmar Email address: not later than 5 P.M., 20 April 2014 (Sunday). Note: The job vacancy can also be viewed in SCI web site Candidates are also requested to mention in the applications if there is, blood/marriage relationships with the existing Save the Children employees. No requirement of photo or copy of certificates and only short-listed candidates will be contacted. For those who fail to mention or incorrectly mention the title, programme name and location of the position they are applying for, we will disqualify them and not consider them for the short list.
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