Background: Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) has been adopted by over 60 countries to help combat acute malnutrition in children under five years and reduce childhood mortality. This rapid expansion has occurred in less than a decade - since CMAM’s inception in 2002. It has involved a wide range of actors in a diversity of emergency, development and ‘transitional’ contexts. Many governments and other stakeholders share similar challenges in tailoring the approach to their context, whilst maintaining quality in the implementation, integration and scale up of services for acute malnutrition. These gaps have resulted in an escalating demand to consolidate and share data and experiences, to capitalise on lessons learned. This makes it difficult to move forward to achieve greater impact and leverage in a coordinated and effective manner. The CMAM Forum was created in 2011 to help fill this gap. It is managed by a Steering Committee made up of representatives of national Ministries of Health, United Nations agencies, NGOs and technical advisory bodies, with day-to-day work currently coordinated by two facilitators. The specific objectives of the CMAM Forum include: i. Ensuring relevant, up-to-date CMAM resources are accessible to practitioners, policy makers and other key stakeholders based on expressed needs from users Includes: policy documents, reviews, workshop reports, guidelines, case studies; training materials/e-learning, videos; advocacy publications; a summary of ongoing research projects. ii. Producing Technical Briefs (current thinking on priority themes) and summaries of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on acute malnutrition Will include coverage; Severe Acute Malnutrition and Infection; prevention/management of Moderate Acute Malnutrition; community aspects of CMAM; calculating caseloads etc. iii. Synthesising learning of effective ways to disseminate CMAM-related resources through conducting case studies in selected countries iv. Supporting CMAM-related advocacy campaigns and initiatives with relevant evidence, information and resources Description of role: The Technical Adviser will work principally in collaboration with the co-facilitators, contributing to the technical aspects of the CMAM Forum’s work. The consultant will: • Assist in the updating and scoping out of relevant research and establishing a regular system of contacting key academic actors • Develop a document that summarises research gaps identified at recent workshops or reviews; • Assist with scoping out and making links with health actors, including relevant health advocacy initiatives; • Support the CMAM Forum’s work in relation to Integration / Health Systems strengthening in collaboration with the broader inter-agency working group; • Help to write / commission CMAM Forum Policy Briefs: raising the profile of the need for CMAM-related resources in French and other languages and a potential brief on mainstreaming CMAM with health actors; • Reviewing key documents produced by the CMAM Forum and by external agencies when requested • Assist in the organisation and compilation of peer reviews of CMAM Forum technical products; • Assist in the production of regular technical updates and syntheses; • Assist in the development of podcasts / audio-visual material as required; • Assist in the provision of support to specific countries following recommendations from CMAM Forum country case studies. • Assist in the use of social media to increase update of the CMAM Forum. The post will also contribute to other technical aspects of the work of the CMAM Forum including: • Representation of the CMAM Forum at meetings / events; • Participation in Steering Committee teleconferences; • Provision of input to Technical Working Groups; • Supporting responses to technical helpdesk queries; • Forging linkages with relevant initiatives; • Participation in organisation of stakeholder meeting to define long-term home of the forum. Profile sought: • Experienced Public Health specialist with expertise and recent field experience in the management of acute malnutrition. • Minimum 10 years relevant experience including extensive field experience, preferably in both Africa and Asia. • In-depth understanding of key issues affecting practitioners in the implementation and scale-up of the management of acute malnutrition through health systems. • Knowledge of key initiatives and resources on the management of acute malnutrition. • Experience in design / implementation of programme impact evaluation / monitoring and evaluation methodologies. • Proven writing / reporting skills. • Excellent communication / representational skills. • Fluent English essential. • Excellent working knowledge of French or Arabic highly desirable. How to Apply: Please apply to Kristine Albrektsen, with a recent CV, 3 samples of recent work, expected daily rate and a covering letter of application by Thursday 30th of January 2014. Please mark the email ‘Technical Adviser’.
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