I am looking for suppliers to purchase ready to use infant formula and Powdered Infant formula. - Are there Companies producing or storing RUIF or PIF near the Philippines that can even provide the instructions in Filipino? - What are the Companies that produce RUIF and PIF at international level? - Does any body have used companies in the past to source these products for humanitarian operations? Ideally I would like in the medium to long term discuss with the company details of packaging and provide instructions in local language if in the longer term we need supplies for another destination. Can anyone suggest a supplier that complies with international standards? Thank you Charlotte
Dear Charlotte, Could you explain why you are looking for those information and maybe for which organisation you are working for? It wouldn't answer your questions and you might have some real good reasons to ask for this but I wanted to share those links regarding IYCF in emergencies. http://www.ennonline.net/resources/4 http://www.ennonline.net/resources/tag/121 http://www.unhcr.org/45f6cd022.pdf http://www.unicef.org/nutritioncluster/files/IYCF-E_Review_Final_Report_October_2012.pdf It would be great if some people who have been working in the Haiti disaster could share their experience on how they protected breastfeeding ... Some of know might know about the context in Haiti as well and the possibility of creating milk banks... Regards
Alexandra Rutishauser-Perera


10 years ago
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