FAO is implementing a new project on “Building capacity for better food security programming in emergency and rehabilitation contexts through better seed system assessment, better integration of nutrition and food security and improved accountability to affected populations”. The project includes three components, respectively, on seeds assessment, nutrition and accountability. This assignment is specifically related to the implementation of the nutrition component, with the objective “to improved capacity of humanitarian agencies to integrate nutrition into food security interventions throughout the programme cycle appropriately and accountably”. The consultant will be the Regional Project Focal Point for the nutrition component of the Capacity building project and will support the integration of nutrition in resilience programmes in West Africa: 1. Support the documentation and dissemination of good practices, lessons learnt on linkages of nutrition and food security, and on nutrition and resilience. 2. Facilitate the preparation and implementation of a sub-regional workshop on integrated food security and nutrition programming in crisis situations in close collaboration with regional partners and existing coordination mechanisms (i.e. FSNWG and NWG). 3. Support country level follow-up to the sub-regional training on integrated food security and nutrition programming (e.g. backstopping missions, support to national level workshops, delivery of trainings) 4. Technically support the integration of nutrition in programme proposals, manuals & curriculums and M&E systems in Western Africa/Sahel countries (as requested). 5. Ensure synergies between the nutrition component of the ECHO project and those related to seed security and accountability to affected populations. 6. Support integration of Nutrition in the Resilience Analysis work. 7. Promote the integration of nutrition in the Food Security Nutrition Working Group, the Nutrition Working Group, and other relevant initiatives including on resilience: 8. Be the Sub-regional FAO office focal point for the global nutrition cluster and UN system network for Scaling Up Nutrition and keep abreast of the development of SUN, REACH and other global or regional initiatives and disseminate updates to relevant FAO and FSNWG stakeholders. 9. Provide technical support to FAO activities related to nutrition REQUIRED COMPETENCIES Education - Master degree in Food Security and Nutrition or University Degree in Food Security and Nutrition with relevant experience Diploma in Project management Experience - At least 3 years postgraduate professional experience in working with agriculture, food security and nutrition programmes , ideally in West Africa. - Former experience with FAO is a plus Language - Working level in both oral and written French and English language is a requirement Knowledge - Experience with networking and partnerships activities, as well as organizing and dealing with meetings’ organization activities - Strong ability in working with teams within a multi-disciplinary environment; - Ability to work under minimal supervision and with tight deadlines - Proficient knowledge of computer applications like Word, Excel, PowerPoint Selection Criteria - Relevance and quality of work experience; - Relevance of analytical skills and knowledge of analytical concepts and methods for integration between nutrition and agriculture/food security; - Relevant experience and quality of work in nutrition in emergency context - Presentation and communication skills. - Networking and coordination skills; - Excellent knowledge of both English and French Language Others - The position is open to national consultants or international consultants locally recruited. - Based in Dakar at the FAO’s Sub regional Emergency and Rehabilitation Office for West Africa/Sahel (REOWA) - Contract duration: 1 year - Expected start date: 4 November 2013 How to apply: Applications should be sent by COB October 21st, 2013 by email to Domitille KAUFFMANN - domitille.kauffmann@fao.org with the reference ‘’Dakar Nutritionist’’. Application should include: a Cover letter + a detail CV using the Personal History Form (PHF). The PHF can be created online on FAO iRecruitment website: [url]http://www.fao.org/employment/irecruitment-access/en/[/url] Interviews for selected applicants will be held on October, 24th 2013.
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