Action Against Hunger (ACF) was founded by a group of prominent French figures in response to the emergency caused by Afghan refugees fleeing to Pakistan to escape fighting in 1979, with the aim of eradicating hunger in a more global, lasting and effective way worldwide. ACF’s mission consists of saving lives via the prevention, detection and treatment of malnutrition, in particular during and following disasters and conflicts. The organisation focuses its activities on an integrated approach, taking various aspects into account: “Nutrition, health and healthcare practices”, “Food security and livelihoods”, “Water, sanitation and hygiene” and “Advocacy and awareness-raising”: In 2011, ACF-International was active in over 45 countries, coming to the aid of around 6 million individuals. By integrating our programmes with regional and national systems, ACF is ensuring that short-term actions are becoming long-term solutions. We are looking for: A NUTRITIONAL CAUSAL ANALYSIS EXPERT Country: India – Budhampur (Madya Pradesh State) Length of Contract: 4 months, starting November the 1st Background and overall objective: Within India, the state of Madhya Pradesh has some of the lowest development indicators, and is among the states with the worst nutritional indicators. Nutrition causal factors such as food insecurity remain very high due to factors such as lack of industries, poor capacity to repay loans, large tribal population, low levels of education, remote habitation and poor roads. ACF has been operating in parts of Burhanpur district covering 20 villages for over 18 months. Within the new phase program starting in September 2013, ACF will scale-up its activities to 80 villages, covering a total of 121,000 people. An integrated SMART survey as well as a Nutrition Causal Analysis (NCA) is planned to be carried out within the first months of the scaling up phase. In that perspective, you will be tasked with completing the NCA study in the targeted area and communicating the results. Responsibilities: More specifically, you will be expected to: Conduct initial preparatory work for a NCA - Ensure adequate background information regarding possible causes is collected and analysed to draft malnutrition causes hypothesis - Hold preliminary workshop with key stakeholders at different levels so as to buy in ‘ideas’ for drafting of the final NCA strategy Facilitate data collection and field research - Develop and pre-test discussion guides and other survey instruments for the qualitative inquiry - Establish key quality assurance mechanisms at sampling, instrument development, recruitment and training as well primary data collection and analysis stages - Ensure timeframe, planning, sampling plan, logistics and HR means as well as necessary material are adequate and available - Ensure preliminary technical proposal of study is presented at the mission/NCA technical advisor. - Conduct fieldwork and ensure key quality assurance mechanisms are implemented throughout Facilitate data analysis and interpretation, write the NCA preliminary and final report and communicate results - Ensure appropriate coding and entry of all collected data, check the quality of the data entered in the software - Analyse the collected data and compare/link data with results from previous integrated SMART survey and others - Present and validate results in collaboration with key stakeholders in a workshop at district level - Write a preliminary report with summary of methodology, results and recommendations - Write a final report, including methodology, results, analysis of results, conclusion and recommendations - Facilitate a presentation/debriefing for ACF at capital level with the coordination team - Share findings with participating communities and record any suggestions and inputs Qualification and previous experience: Graduate or post-graduate degree in anthropology, nutrition or social sciences. Previous experience and demonstrated skills in applied research in particular qualitative research, writing and analytical skills. Broad knowledge and experience of nutrition specific and nutrition sensitive principles and programming. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills . Familiarity with ACF and acceptance of ACF principles. Experience in Asia region and in India in particular is strongly preferred Status: Employee - Total average yearly gross income : from 44910€ to 51410€ - Fixed-term contract, provided by ACF according to the French legislation. - All expenses paid on the field: o Support to the R & R costs : 110€/month average o Transportation costs to and from the mission : 460€/ month average, o Collective or individual accommodation depending on position : 700€/month average o Food and hygiene expenses (living allowance) : 274€/month o Per Diem : 185€/month - Gross monthly salary ranging from €1805 to €2305 (13rd month included), depending on relevant experience - Social benefits: Medical, life and accident insurance provided by the institution - 25 days of annual paid leaves - 20 days of extra leaves per year (taken as recovery time breaks of one week every 2 or 4 months depending on the mission) - Pre departure training, at the HQ in Paris Motivating Job Prospects in the medium and long term To apply, please visit our website: [url][/url] Don’t forget to add your CV and a cover letter.
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