We are looking for: A MOTHER, CHILD HEALTH AND NUTRITION TECHNICAL COORDINATOR Country: Haïti, based in Port-Au-Prince Length of Contract: 12 months, starting in August 2013, renewable 4 times Responsibilities: To manage the implementation and coordination of Mother and Child Health and Nutrition (MCHN) Strategy using a “First 1000 days” Approach for CARE/WFP/ACF Development Food Assistance Program (DFAP) project in Haïti including technical support to planning, documentation, monitoring, evaluation, research, and training activities. Program Assessment and Design • Plan and set up the DFAP MCHN/Preventing Malnutrition in children under 2 Approach (PM2A) activities : o Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) through Care Group Model o Support to Community-Based Health Services o Food For Peace Supplementary food distributions • Design and coordinate nutrition focused assessments in project targeted areas • Prepare assessments technical reports and recommendations • Build links between MCHN and Food Safety net component of DFAP to maximize integration Program Implementation and Monitoring • Support, supervise, coach and mentor DFAP Health and Nutrition Technical Coordination Team • Follow the implementation of activities in accordance with project implementation timelines. • Support and facilitate internal and external evaluations of all health/nutrition related components • Adjust program accordingly, together with Health and Nutrition Technical teams, Field Office Program Coordinators and in collaboration with Deputy Chief of Party – Operations • Collaborate with Gender Technical Coordinator to ensure that gender is properly mainstreamed in MCHN Nutrition and Health Team Management • Actively support the recruitment of Departmental and Coordination Health & Nutrition Teams • Contribute to the appraisal of the team members • Assess, design and implement appropriate training programs to equip and upgrade knowledge and skills Documentation &Training: • Ensure monthly statistical reports on MCHN operations are compiled and written • Ensure that project narrative reports are completed and submitted to donors through the programming team. • Mentor and train DFAP Nutrition and Health Teams to train and support the health staff at partnering Departmental Health Directions and community-based Multi-Disciplinary Health Agents • Document training programs and training results Coordination • Coordinate MCHN/PM2A Health and Nutrition Technical Team on a regular basis • Participate in interagency coordination at departmental and national level, clusters and other forums of technical support, coordination and exchange Qualification and previous experience: You hold a master’s degree in public health and/or nutrition and have a minimum of 3 years of professional experience in large scale Multi-Year Assistance Program of USAID using PM2A, and 5 years of professional experience at technical coordination level in developments and emergency contexts on the field. A previous experience of working in partnerships is an asset. You have successfully demonstrated your ability to work with multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary teams. You are recognized for your technical skills on management and prevention of child under-nutrition is extensive. An extensive technical knowledge and experience on Mother and Child Health and Nutrition with in depth focus on “First 1000 days window of opportunity” is compulsory. Fluency in English and French (oral and written) is required. Status: Employee - Long-term contract, provided by ACF according to the French legislation. - All expenses paid on the field: travel out/return, collective or individual accommodation depending on position, meals and hygiene expenses - ACF will pay for the family living depending on position and mission - Gross monthly salary ranging from €1805 to €2305 (13rd month included), depending on relevant experience - Per diem : 205€ per month - Living allowance : 408€ per month - Social benefits: Medical, life and accident insurance provided by the institution - 25 days of annual paid leaves - 20 days of extra leaves per year (taken as recovery time breaks of one week every 2 or 4 months depending on the mission) + break allowances - Pre departure training, at the HQ in Paris Motivating Job Prospects in the medium and long term To apply : [url]http://www.actioncontrelafaim.org/en/content/mother-child-health-and-nutrition-technical-coordinator[/url]
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