Anybody with reports showing significant contribution of mother to mother support group programming in reducing child malnutrition in sub Saharan Africa to please share with me
IYCF is one of the area that i am working now, but mother to mother support is one of the key issue that can help to change some of the behaviours, a good example is if you counsel or tell a mother to continue breastfeeding while pregnant or Eclusive breastfeeding, mothers will listen you, but but they will listen more than you if some other mothers support this and tell them that they have done and is the best thing, mothers will except and listen more the other mothers than you as an IYCF expert.


11 years ago
Yes mother to mother support groups play a very important role in reduction of malnutrition..working with pregnant and lactating mothers in Turkana county in Kenya, formation of mother support groups has been of great help since mothers share different experiences whereby we even have breastfeeding champions in the groups hence they share their experiences with the rest of the mothers......mothers open to each other and share their best and worst experiences on breastfeeding and come up with possible solutions to address breastfeeding challenges.....
Doris Mwendwa


11 years ago Effect of women's groups and volunteer peer counselling on rates of mortality, morbidity, and health behaviours in mothers and children in rural Malawi (MaiMwana): a factorial, cluster-randomised controlled trial


11 years ago
The Care Group Model has been proven to be a lot more effective I terms of peer support, you can find a lot of publications on the care group info website: [url][/url]
Alexandra Rutishauser-Perera


11 years ago
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