This survey is being conducted by the Nutrition Task Force of the Global Partnership on Children with Disabilities (GPcwd), a network of more than 200 organizations, working to advance the rights of children with disabilities at the global, regional and country levels. We have recently been working on important links between nutrition and disability. Why this survey on nutrition and disability? The GPcwd partners have identified a major gap in information about nutrition-related initiatives that specifically target or include children and youth with disabilities from around the world. This survey thus aims to: • Identify and better understand what nutrition initiatives (projects, programmes or policies) exist that specifically target, include or address the rights and needs of children and youth living with disabilities from birth through 24 years of age • Gather lessons that may be applied to future work and have the potential to provide a basis for funding and policy advocacy • Compile this data and disseminate it to the Task Force members and at both the GPcwd annual meeting and at the UN CRPD high level meeting in September 2013 Who should respond? • Any nutrition-related project/programme or policy with a specific focus on children and youth with disabilities • Any disability related project/programme or policy with a specific focus on nutrition of children and youth Note: The terms ‘project/programme’ describe any activity or intervention that addresses the rights and nutritional needs of children and youth with disabilities. They are meant in the broadest sense and could include sub-activities of a broader project, a piece of research or activities such as the development of guidelines or advocacy and awareness raising initiatives. Please complete the survey for EACH project/programme or policy. Therefore if you have more than one initiative to share, please ensure that you complete a new form for each one. How long does the survey take? 5 minutes to 30 minutes depending on your responses to the questions When will results be released? The results of this survey will be available prior to the High Level Meeting on Disability and Development in September 2013. The survey is available at: [url][/url] Please complete the survey by 15 June 2013. If you have questions or prefer to complete the survey in a word document, contact Amy Farkas at
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