We are implementing nutrition capacity building program in Pakistan ,we are also identified malnourished children if we find SAM ,MAM case that we registered that family ,and will distribute them RAW food material so suggest me what type of nutritious food we will distribute ,
what i get is that this raw food is for the other vulnerable children to avoid sharing and also take care of existing nutrition gaps. This foods should qualify in the cultural acceptability and palatability as much as it is to be nutritious. Please take care of energy required in its preparation both time and fuel by teaching them simple methods like soaking to reduce time and energy use. Local conditions will determine availability of a cereal, pulse, oil and mineral vitamix mix ?
Sarah Obara


11 years ago
what i get is that this raw food is for the other vulnerable children to avoid sharing and also take care of existing nutrition gaps. This foods should qualify in the cultural acceptability and palatability as much as it is to be nutritious. Please take care of energy required in its preparation both time and fuel by teaching them simple methods like soaking to reduce time and energy use. Local conditions will determine availability of a cereal, pulse, oil and mineral vitamix mix ?
Sarah Obara


11 years ago
Hi Imran, You can distribute the recommended food basket of a cereal, a legume and oil as your General Food Distribution (GFD) ration. The food quantity to distribute should meet the minimum requirement of 2100Kcal/person in the household.


11 years ago
Please check this guideline with some suggested rations. http://pfeda.univ-lille1.fr/Infos/1999/0327wfpE.htm
M Shaikh


11 years ago
Hi, It is going to be tricky receiving a list of foods from all over the world. I would suggest that you critically examine the diets of that community and identify nutritious foods from their diets and then seek to supply them with those. Bear in mind that palatabiltiy and acceptability of the food you suggest will play a great role in the achievement of your goal.


11 years ago
you can provide 12-15gm protein & 300-350 energy as supplementation i am suggesting as Wheat -40gm, Bengal gram-15 gm Ground nut-10 gm Gingely seed-5 gm Soyabean-5 gm All roasted & powderd mix with Jagery(can)-25-30 gm
Arvind Patel


11 years ago
your distribution plan will based on type of communities you targeted and your capacity also you need to treat roots of malnutrition causes this will done by food for training strategy like nutrition impact positive practice or integrated blanket supplementary feeding program for MAM cases and Inpatient care for SAM cases distribution food must be acceptable and from local food items which reach by proteins minerals,energy
Hamid Hussien


11 years ago
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