CONSULTANCY - Review of CMAM Forum Resource Base 10 days – June / July 2013 (Home-based) The CMAM Forum (see is seeking to recruit a consultant to conduct a full review of its resource base, in order to maximise the effectiveness, appropriateness and completeness of current CMAM Forum resource organisation and to develop quality control guidance for new resources. Activities include: i) Refining current resource organisation (4 days). ii) Sourcing further resources for specific sections (4 days). iii) Defining a quality control system to guide the uploading of new resources (2 days) Consultant profile: • Experienced nutritionist / Public Health specialist with expertise in the management of acute malnutrition • Knowledge of key global initiatives and resources relating to acute malnutrition • Experience in document research • Experience in quality assurance • Proven writing / reporting skills • Fluent English essential and excellent working knowledge of French highly desirable. NB - computer and appropriate software will be provided by the consultant. Please apply to with a recent CV, 3 samples of recent work and a covering letter of application by Friday 7th June. Please mark the email ‘RESOURCE REVIEW’.
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