The purpose of this role is to contribute to the effective and timely coordination of the Global Nutrition Cluster in humanitarian crises. The Nutrition Information Management Officer (NIMO) will be formally seconded to UNICEF on a full time basis, and will be deployable at short notice when required for up to 12 weeks at any time. The NIMO will be deployable up to 50% of the time, with the remaining 50% of the time split between supporting the GNC activities (25%) and supporting the ACF UK Operations Activities (25%). When in standby, the NIMO will be based in London, and spend regular time in Geneva supporting the GNC. Key Duties and Responsibilities: Measuring NEEDS: 1. Propose ad-hoc information organizations mechanisms for the geographic compilation of a survey of surveys, or in other words, an inventory of field based assessments, rapid assessments, survey results, surveillance or sentinel sites, trip reports or opportunistic observation on hot spot information. The mechanism could be both systematic and ad hoc, as the nature of disparate measurement efforts does not lend the results to a reliable, statistical statement of the situational need in the area of operation, especially at the necessary geographical levels needed for strategic or operational planning. Guide the collection of the survey of surveys. 2. Model the needs using full, national coverage spatial baseline information at the most detailed level as possible. A key component of achieving a strategic and operational planning tool is to obtain census data at the village, or if not available, the lowest administration area for demographic analysis. 3. Mapping and modeling demographics, risk and vulnerability of the population and situational factors, especially within proximity to available health infrastructure or response partners’ reach is necessary at local, regional and national levels. Measuring RESPONSE: 1. Undertake a needs analysis of country specific information to identify the questions and evidence based methods to measure the answers that coordinators and partners need for make decision towards effective, reliable service delivery and to identify gaps in service delivery. 2. Within an integrated information system (IS) and geographic information system (GIS) compile an enumeration of specific locations as an inventory of current and potential partners, their current and planned presence and coverage, their capacities and scalability to delivery services. 3. Design and implement simple, user-friendly information gathering tools within an integrated IS/GIS to measure the response, e.g. the number of “beneficiaries served”, based on the country specific information needs and other regional / UN information needs. Components of this may include: a simple 3W, a nutrition information system, a CMAM Nutrition information system, community mobilization and active case finding and tools, IYCF tools, blanket feeding tools, screening tools, etc. Gathering formats should include provision for gender desegregation of data and reporting on more vulnerable groups. Person Specification Skills and Qualifications/education required 1. Advanced University degree in nutrition, public health, information management, information systems or equivalent experience gained 2. Demonstrable Information management project management experience and in within an international context 3. Research and analytical skills and application of those in information management?within humanitarian organisations 4. Experienceof working in the humanitarian sector and good understanding of humanitarian principles and current sectoral issues 5. Ability to write clearly and succinctly, for a range of audiences 6. Demonstrable skills in creating, establishing and negotiating relationships with various stakeholders 7. Significant experience in Project Management 8. Strong verbal and written communication skills including demonstration of cultural awareness, diplomacy and tact with fluency in English and French. If you feel you have the meet the requirements for this position please apply with your updated CV and Covering letter. If you are interested in this position please send your CV and Cover Letter to Closing date: 9 June 2013
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