Hi prof Mark or any person with idea, How to calculate the household adjustment unit in KAP survey. Many thanks,
I am not sure what you mean by "household adjustment unit". If what I have below makes no sense then write again with a little more information. Household adjustments in household surveys usually refers to weighting households to account for non-response. This usually only applies when you have a complicated quota sample. We mostly use a cluster sample with a simple quota sample and we do not worry much about non-response as we just take the next eligible household and (almost always) get the quota. This [url=http://unstats.un.org/unsd/demographic/sources/surveys/Handbook23June05.pdf]UNSTATS guideline[/url] might help. Is this any help? I fear I may have missed the point.
Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


11 years ago
Many thanks Mark. Yes, it does help.


11 years ago
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