Am considering taking up a consultancy in Mid term Evaluation of a CMAM program. The basic methodology includes; Household and KAP survey, Participatory exercise with community representatives, and project staff and Document review. I am currently working on the data collection and analysis. I am looking for experience sharing from technical experts in M&E on all the possible data collection tools to develop and insights into the best ways of analyzing the same data. The mid term evaluation will form a baseline for the next phase.
Why dont you go for a SQUEAC...That would highly help in evaluation of your CMAM program...
Tariq Khan


11 years ago
u may email me ur terms and conditions to avail my services at Thanks
Dr Daksha Solanki


11 years ago
u may email me ur terms and conditions to avail my services at Thanks
Dr Daksha Solanki


11 years ago
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