In India, Government permission to use RUTF in the management of SAM is yet to be given. Hence, we are using a locally produced wheat - gram - groundnut powder plus oil. This is called Hyderabad Mix, and has been standardised by the National Institute of Nutrition. Now, we are exploring if we can add skimmed milk powder to this mix, so as to increase the protein content. We need to know the quantity we can add and the staying quality.
Dear Dr Bhagwat, In West Bengal as per the Guideline on Integrated Management of SAM issued by Dept of Health & Family Welfare and supported by UNICEF June 2011 a Therapeutic feed finds mention as an equivalent to F100 for use in the Nutritional Rehabilitation Centre. Composition is as follows Roasted Groundnuts 1000 gms Milk Powder 1200 gms Sugar 1120 gms Coconut oil 600 gms. There is no specification of the milk powder- but speaking from our experience in our project in Sundarbans - there is no skimmed milk powder available in Indian markets - what is available is dairy creamer and infant milk formula. We source whole milk powder from a wholesaler and use it in the same proportion as mentioned above. As we only use it in the facility- we refrigerate - but perhaps this might not be an option for your community based programme. Hope this helps
Charulatha Banerjee


11 years ago
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