Can anyone recommend an Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) training program for the end of 2009 or during 2010? I am aware of the UCL Institute of Child Health, London program, but am looking for something more focused for the prolonged emergency or development context, more hands-on and more time spent on practical breastfeeding support and complementary feeding. Thank you.
Hi Erika This may be short notice, but I do know that SC UK are running a one week course in London in August on IFE, for their country staff. They have some places available for external participants. It is going to include an orientation on IFE and then more technical training based on Module 2 on IFE, delivered by a combination of personnel involved in IFE and with the team at UCL that run the breastfeeding practice and policy course. It is going to be very practical and programming focused, so could well be what you are interested in. If you are interested in attending or finding out more, email me and I'll pass you on the details. I don't know of other courses offhand, but I will investigate some more.
Marie McGrath
Technical Expert


15 years ago

Lutheran World Relief (, member of the Corus International family (, is recruiting 3 people to support the MOMENTUM ( Integrated Health Resilience project.

MOMENTUM Integrated Health Resilience is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to strengthen quality voluntary family planning (FP), reproductive health (RH), and maternal, newborn, and child health (MNCH). . MIHR in Burkina Faso is implemented by a consortium composed of LWR, with its partners JSI Research & Training Institute, GOAL and Pathfinder International. The positions are recruited by LWR and made available to Pathfinder International which provides leadership for the implementation of MOMENTUM in Burkina Faso.

To find out more and to apply, please refer to the links below:

1) A nutrition advisor, based in Ouagadougou:

2) Two nutrition officers, based in Koudougou and Gaoua:

Best regards.

Kerri Grummett


8 years ago

Hi Kelli,
I am not aware of any organisation that undertakes training in relation to IYCF-E in Canada. I suspect that this is an issue that is largely ignored, which unfortunately seems to be the case in all resource rich countries. For resources, there is a publication written by myself and Nina Berry on emergency preparedness for caregivers of infants and resources for parents and caregivers by Queensland Health (Australia).
I have a paper about to be published on how one health service supported breastfeeding women well after the Christchurch earthquake.
I have given presentations etc to emergency managers, emergency workers and health workers about the needs of infants in relation to feeding in developed country contexts but these have been one-off type of things.

Karleen Gribble


8 years ago

You may also be interested in the report by Save the Children Australia on the situation with regards children of all ages and disaster response.
In essence they found that plans for children are absent or inadequate. Why children, and especially infants, are not seen as a vulnerable group in need of specific planning is beyond me. We actually have better planning and education in relation to pets than children.
Karleen Gribble

Karleen Gribble


8 years ago
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