Hi all,

I am a Master student at Johns Hopkins University, working with Jodine Chase at IFE-Core Group and Mija Ververs. I am seeking your help to gather evidence on infant formula/breast milk substitute (BMS) donations to Türkiye.

I would like to use this discussion post as a deposit of evidence of these activities in emergency settings:

  • NGOs/public agencies and individuals seeking and accepting donations of BMS, complementary foods, and feeding equipment.
  • BMS, complementary foods, other milk products or feeding equipment (including bottles, teats and breast pumps) in emergencies  being included in a general or blanket distribution.
  • NGOs/public agencies purchasing supplies not based on assessed needs

Please share links to news reports, social media posts, or pictures of any relief requests/call for donations/donations that include:

  • Commercial milk formula/BMS
  • Infant formula
  • Follow-on formula
  • Growing-up milk
  • Other milk products for children 0-36 months old
  • Baby teas, juices, and waters
  • Bottles, teats, breast pumps
  • Any commercial complementary food (marketed for use for infants under six months)


I am in Turkey (LLL Leaders and IBCLC)

I screenshot all call for formula donation I see online.

I will make a folder for your research.

Please send me your email address. 

Mine : lalecheleague.antalya@gmail.com

Best Regards


Charlotte Codron


2 years ago

Is this the sort of thing you are asking for? 


asking for donations of “Baby Milk for 4 weeks” with children holding cans of NIDO

( I have a pohoto if you need it 


Save the Children will also help people keep warm in the freezing temperatures by providing winter kits. …In Malatya and Antep, the organization has delivered packs for babies, which include baby food, milk and bottles, packs of baby food.


Mr Doherty said Foodstock is appealing for donations of nappies, baby food/milk, hygiene and sanitary products, toiletries, new sleeping bags, and new gloves, hats and scarves.

The items can be left at Foodstock, 150 Andersonstown Road, from Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm and from 9am to 1pm on a Saturday.


Items that are needed

  • Baby milk
  • Baby bottles
  • New baby food

Sameer Ashraf is an Imam based at a mosque in Fishponds which is affiliated to Dawate E Islami - the UK charity connected to an international Islamic charity (FGRF) involved in the relief effort in Turkey. …https://www.dawateislami.co.uk/centers

Faizan E Madinah mosque in Fishponds Road will be open for donations until 7.30pm this evening (Wednesday) and are in urgent need of baby milk, nappies, baby wipes, baby food and women’s sanitary products. Alternatively, donations can also be taken to the Turkish Islamic Centre on Gloucester Road.



2 years ago

Hi Jaiyi,

I just read this article which article indicates that Amazon may be donating commercial complementary food.


"Amazon began sending shipments of baby food, blankets, tents and medicines through its Istanbul warehouse last week. The company has now set up a full-scale disaster relief hub outside the city and is sending $600,000 to NGOs."



Alison Donnelly


2 years ago

I received a request from AMURTEL Greece to donate to the AMURT team in Turkey. "Milk for children and babies" was at the top of the shopping list that financial donations would be used for.

i wrote directly to AMURTEL Greece (I've worked with them before as they have a very strong IYCFE program, following the Ops Guidance closely) to ask if AMURT Turkey was implementing the OG, but their response was that only the Greece chapter follows the OG (they are all over the world; AMURT is the parent agency and AMURTEL is the women's branch).

HOWEVER, I have looked today and it looks as though the "Milk for children and babies" has been removed from one of their appeals.


Helen Gray


2 years ago

Thank you Anonymous 41860 for the links and pictures. Yes, these are evidence of mostly private/third-party organizations seeking donations of infant formula. 

With regard to the Save the Children deliveries, I wonder if these items were a part of the general distribution or if the distribution was more targeted (i.e. after assessing infant feeding needs).



2 years ago

Jiayi, I am posting here with my SafelyFed Canada hat on. I can share this example from my own home city. Here in Edmonton, Alberta, many news outlets localized their coverage of the earthquake with interviews with relatives people who were directly impacted in Syria and Türkiye. The Turkish Canadian Society if Edmonton issued an appeal and set up a collection site:

You can see the appeal in this Feb 9 Facebook post with images including a table set up to collect boxes of diapers and one table with the sign "baby formula drop off" above it. https://www.facebook.com/groups/TCSEdmonton/posts/3099090803724265/?__cft__%5B0%5D=AZXeDXQJM54SXL6hdE6oocKmleO7EwCnKns8uJ0EjovYIg0N5-6D0DKEOP_r7qz8svgB8YYbqRdWOPXNn1v-R2HCQKq831sG-S_NuWsCVD3y8grjByIZAB-Ut4RuTBdoDBDWFGKZoTmhzgKlh_CZDq50snRqLr-L_DTwWdhjSB7Yxu8mFHEatw9M9DRhm2W4vGAOLmXOYlh3pWya8Diw9p3A&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R 

Here is a news item from Feb 11 showing a truck loaded with goods including infant formula bound for the airport: https://edmonton.ctvnews.ca/rebuilding-those-cities-will-take-years-edmontonians-collect-donations-for-quake-victims-in-turkiye-and-syria-1.6270314

And here is a thank you to the community shared as a social media tile listing the volume of various goods collected for shipping to Türkiye. The list includes 370 cases of PIF and 115 cases of what is referenced as liquid formula. https://www.facebook.com/groups/TCSEdmonton/posts/3103695986597080/

I have screenshots for reference if needed. 

I am certain there are many other examples of similar drives for goods and cash donations happening across Canada, we also have a large Syrian newcomer population with many from the impacted area.

SafelyFed Canada updated our FAQ on donations and issued a statement several days ago urging people to send cash and not goods. Stmt: https://safelyfed.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/SFC-Donations-FAQ-FINAL-Feb152023-1.pdf



-- Jodine



2 years ago

Interesting article ad editorial published this week on the BMJ 

Research Article - Health and nutrition claims for infant formula: international cross sectional survey

BMJ 2023; 380 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj-2022-071075

Editorial - Poorly substantiated health claims on infant formula

BMJ 2023; 380 doi: https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.p310

Gabriele Rossi


2 years ago


This looks like an excellent study, thank you. I live in rural Hamsphire in the UK and have yet to see anything relevant to share locally (in contrast to when the Ukraine war started and there were lots of local collections of goods including formula). I'll keep a look out. However the reason I wanted to message was to say that I have noticed here (on twitter, with national voices) a campaign using the hashtag #CashNotStuff people are using in response to calls for donations of anything to be sent out to Turkey/Syria. I wanted to share this as I think it could be a good frame for work discouraging donations of BMS etc especially if certain individuals/groups in sending locations where formual feeding is common perceive the discouragement of BMS donations as an indication of an unwillingness to help formula fed babies (we have a sizeable minority in the UK who seem to think that the Operational Guidance content on supporting formula feeding is wrong in many ways - I don't know the details). Hope that makes sense




2 years ago

Thank you everyone for your contributions. Please continue to use this thread to deposit relevant links or information.

For screenshots/pictures and evidence that you wish to submit privately, please contact me at the address listed below. 

Jiayi Guan




2 years ago

I was asked to forward this link to this thread: https://today.lorientlejour.com/article/1328530/beirut-mobilizes-for-syria-infant-formula-medicine-sanitary-products-needed-most.html

I haven't verified the media source but it does look legitimate. NGOs in Lebanon are discussing appeals for formula, and of note one person is quoted says they don't need anymore clothing but do need baby milk, and further that it is an item in short supply in Lebanon. 

-- Jodine



2 years ago

Thank you for this important role to identify BMS donations to Türkiye.

We do want to add clarification around the 9 Feb 2023 Save the Children Press release. Second Humanitarian Disaster Looms as Children without Shelter and Water Following Earthquakes | Save the Children

From the moment we were aware of this one-off distribution, we have worked closely with our teams on the ground, as well as media, comms and advocacy to ensure everyone is on the same page. This press release will have an updated in the near term with a footnote:

“An earlier version of this press release mentioned Save the Children teams delivered packs for babies, which include baby food, milk and bottles, in Malatya and Antep. This was a one-off delivery to the local government following an urgent request to dispatch support to children who lost their parents in the earthquakes. In the wake of the emergency and in the absence of nutrition technical expertise on the ground, emergency response teams responded to this request.

Save the Children immediately ceased distribution and informed response teams of appropriate ways to support infant and young child feeding. Nutrition experts are now on the ground to guide further action for health and nutrition during the emergency response.

Breastfeeding is a shield that protects and saves infants’ lives, especially in emergencies. The nutritional needs of non-breastfed infants should also be met in a way that protects their health and does not dissuade other mothers from breastfeeding. Save the Children’s priority is to support caregivers to protect their health and wellbeing and that of their children.”

We acknowledge that this distribution was not in line with agency and international standards. We also acknowledge that in the early days of an emergency, this can happen. This experience underlines the importance of preparedness, capacity, and awareness within teams. We will take this experience forward and redouble our efforts in support of IYCF-E and nutrition response.



2 years ago

Dear Diane

Thanks very much for the update and the transparency with which you have shared and updated is both appreciated and valuable. We all are working towards the same goal and life is not perfect - we continue to learn and in the immensity of this response, it is easy for actions to be taken with the best of intention.  This is a good example of rapid response to take corrective action and at the same time, suggests a likely need that requires more indepth (but speedy) rapid assessment to ensure infants who are dependent on BMS get urgent comprehensive support.  I encourage you and others to continue to share and document learning (send to ife@ennonline.net).




2 years ago

Thank you Diane, this is really helpful to know. I can only echo Marie's suggestion to document and share. I think it would be very useful in terms of future emergencies in assisting with preparedness and response. 

Karleen Gribble


2 years ago
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