Hello dear members
I am a Cameroonian nutritionist working in a World Vegetable Center research center as part of a project called improving dietary diversity in children aged between 6 and 23 months. As part of the project activities we are assessing the 8 IYCF indicators. However I would like to know if there are critical thresholds as there are for GAM? I would also like to know how to calculate these indicators -is there any specific software?
Thank you very much in advance.
thanks a lot for the question. While I am not familiar with any threshold along the lines of GAM and others, I would suggest you look at the breastfeeding score cards for UNICEF and WHO. It does provide thresholds that classify countries...according to breastfeeding rates
another interesting attempt has been made by IBFAN with the World Breastfeeding Trends Inuitiatives tool (WBTi)
they also use some thresholds for five (5) IYCF indicators
lastly, the Global Nutrition Clyster develop a Humanitarian Nuyrition Registry. In the registry there are suggested thresholds for some if not all the IYCF indicators
thanks and best regards
5 years agoDear All
Greeting ..
I am working in nutrition surveillance program for monitoring the prefelance of SAM , MAM, HB, and excussive breast feeding EBF
the targeted groop of EBF in our program are 0 to 6 months by asking their cargivers about EBF
the question is
Is it possiple to targeting children from 0 to 24 months in question of EBF by asking the mother about their breast feeding during the first sex months for older age group ( 7 to 24 )
thanks ,,
4 years agoHello
thanks a lot for your email
just a very short answer
Now, regarding your question about the possibility for aking mothers of children 7 to 23 months about the EBF practices... my knowledge and experience suggests that
1. we generally do it, when we facilitate barrier analysis or similar formative researches, where we are not interested in the prevalence of EBF, but we are interested in learning about their experiences, on what facilitated or hinder the practices, barriers etc,
2. if you are looking at the practice/prevalence, EBFm is a "current" type of indicator, hence we target mothers of infants 0-5 months and cpatured their "current practice" to determine the prevalence of the EBF in a certain area
thanks again and regards
4 years agothank you dr. alessandro
your answer is very clear , the second point in your answer is what I wanted to know
I have anthor point here , our question for assessing the EBF is by asking the caregiver if they exclusive breastfeed their infants or not during the last 24h
is this question correct or enough for assessing EBF?
4 years agoThanks again,
i suggest you check the standard questions for determing the different EBF rates, and also how these are calculated
pleae check; https://www.who.int/nutrition/publications/infantfeeding/9789241599290/en/
you can look at the measurement with suggested questions (Vol II, while Vol 1 is about definitions
thanks again and take care
4 years ago