Hello everyone

I am currently a nutritionist and dietetien in DR Congo and plan to organize a training on the management of acute malnutrition.
Would you like to help me with the Harmonized Training Package (HTP): Resource Material for Training on Nutrition in Emergencies (in French)

Dear Emmanuel,

Unfortunately, I don't think the HTP is available in French. However, FANTA produced a package in 2018 that might be of use: https://www.fantaproject.org/focus-areas/nutrition-emergencies-mam/cmam-training

I can't see a French version on their website, but they do have a set of modules in French, developed for Côte d'Ivoire, that may be of use to you: https://www.fantaproject.org/countries/cote-d-ivoire/nutrition-training-modules

Perhaps others working in DR Congo can share packages/materials that are used in country too.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


5 years ago

Can I have the link for the HTP in English? Please share it with me.



5 years ago

The HTP can be found here:


It is a resource developed in 2011, so please be aware that some technical aspects may have since been updated.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


5 years ago


I will answer in French since it is for a francophone country. If my recollections are correct, DRC nutrition tech committee has a full training module available, aligned with their national protocol (developed in 2016, but I can't find it on the web), it could be a good initiative to look at the level of use of these materials already developed and that will help you greatly in the roll-out if that is part of your objectives.

Meanwhile, here is the national nutrition + PLWHA training module https://www.fantaproject.org/sites/default/files/resources/DRC-NACS-Manuel-Facilitateur-2016.pdf

Best wishes



5 years ago

Dear Emmanuel,

If you go to the FANTA publications page, https://www.fantaproject.org/publications you can search by country, DR Congo, and several nutrition 2016 publications come up. These may be the ones referred to by Chantal.

Best wishes,

Tamsin Walters
Forum Moderator


5 years ago
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